Sunday, January 27, 2019

Chicken Soup for the UNSINKABLE Soul – THE SERIES

July 26, 2019

It’s a Saturday. Nishreen can spend the day in bed. Her report card was…well, awesome! She is among the top 2 (2nd) in her class. Her mom…I mean my wife and I drove to her school and signed for her third quarter report card.

My routine is about the same. Early morning prayer then as the light of day emerges from the dusk, facing towards the miniature forest and in the middle of my small backyard, I set my small table. I love the scene by the way…my writer’s haven.

With a cup of coffee…I watched the day comes into view.

An hour later, I put down the book – it’s done, finished “Dreams and the Unexplainable.” It’s one of the series of Chicken Soup for the Soul. I read so much about it in as many years but the chicken soup didn’t appeal to me so I ignored it. My eldest daughter however talked about it in as many times but as I said…the title “Chicken Soup” didn’t appeal to me.

A week or two ago, I drove to BGC after my work. Nishreen and few of her classmates went there after School. She wanted me to come and pick her up but at no specific time…the driver dad. Love it!

While she and her friends chatted and drink tea at Star Buck…I perused the books of fully booked. For some unexplained chance…I ended up picking up one of the books of the Chicken Soup series. The title not the Chicken Soup caught my attention; “Dreams and the Unexplainable” and wow…I just finished reading the story of my life. Imagine 101 stories packed into a book and 101 stories squeezed in one – your story. I thought I will go back to Fully Booked and buy some more of the stuff but then I remembered seeing some Chicken Soup (I hate that name LOL) in Norayda’s room.  I can’t believe my eyes…Six (6) of it stood out in her bookshelves and by the way, her room is empty and I don’t mean bare because once or twice a month, her husband and son would come for a weekend from Cavite. It’s more than a year now since she left for USA. It’s the realities of our lives that when you get old and your children are all grownups, you are left to tend empty rooms and as years dragged on…you spend the last days in a haunted house. LOL!

Of the six books…I chose one to start with. More than 60 pages and several stories…I can’t put it down. If not for the allotted time I have set for myself…I would have finished it in one sitting. In my younger days…I read to the wee hours of the morning for a book of this kind.

If you think, you are by nature a spiritual person…I recommend that you read “Chicken Soup for the Unsinkable Soul.”

It is the gift of technology that we no longer waste so much time writing down things. We simply snap photos of whatever that caught our fancy whether the page of a book, a photo of whatever or the world that surrounds us.

…the publisher of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” is not paying me for this blog. I just need to write in prep for my next book.


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