Wednesday, October 18, 2017


This wall carvings are very significant and it has of course attracted a lot of attention but what strikes me as odd is the less attention given to its deeper significance. Aside from the helicopter, I have not seen in any you tube video where the rest of the carvings were interpreted more intelligently in fact science have a specific term for it. When I looked at various you tube videos with more scrutiny; I was shocked at what I likewise ignored as helicopter and planes. I realized that what we simply ignored as insects where mechanical robotic insects or why will the creator mix it with mechanical objects like the helicopter and flying cars? You be the judge…!

😊 absolute proof the Pyramids of Giza were built by TIME TRAVELLERS meaning if they have the technology to build the Pyramids of Giza; they have the technology to travel in time and most probably the technology to live forever – THE IMMORTALS and yeah – they are Intergalactic interplanetary hoppers. The proof has been as we say…at the tip of our noses. Don’t be surprised therefore to find Pyramids everywhere in the galaxy not to mention Mars. They must have used a technology beyond our imagination like…object materialization? can read this ebook at kindle

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