Thursday, September 14, 2017

NOSTRADAMUS VIII, 77 – the 27 years’ war

Although I am no stranger to the strange; this one borders on the macabre. I am now certain that the Nostradamus prophecy of the 27 years’ war (if nothing else happens before January 17, 2018) ends in my city of Marawi. Why Marawi of all places truly boggles my mind…! It could be the last major battle of the 27 years’ war related to Mesopotamia where an entire city is destroyed. It’s now time to watch for the Nostradamus rock rolling end to end that will sink many of nations following the 27 years’ war.


On September 13, 1990; the United Nations passed resolution 666 that granted the U.N.  the power to determine the humanitarian need of Iraq and Kuwait. It was an exemption to the total embargo where only personnel of the United Nations were allowed to buy and sell foods and medicines inside Iraq and Kuwait exactly as foretold in Revelation 13 – BEAST 666.

Nostradamus VIII, 70

One who is ugly, wicked and infamous will come to power, 

And tyrannize all of MESOPOTAMIA.
He will make friends by seducing them,
And the land will be made horribly black by destruction. 

On January 17, 1991 – Gulf War I (Desert Storm) began in earnest. U.N. forces invaded Kuwait and bombarded Iraq/Mesopotamia/Babylon with the latest weapons of death. Even as Saddam’s Republican Guards lay down their arms and marched back to Baghdad; they were slaughtered without mercy in the desert. 
On March 20, 2003, a coalition of the willing spearheaded by USA invaded Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom) in what was sometimes billed as “Shock and Awe” due to the intensity of the firepower never seen before in any conflict.

The invasion was often called Gulf War II which is a misnomer because the first Gulf War of January 17, 1991 never ended. Iraq was under crippling embargo with no-fly zones over most of the country. Every week and sometimes days, Iraq is bombed with some cities targeted. Weird, 3 days before the invasion on March 20, 2003, the whole country was bombed in order to weaken Saddam’s resistance to the invasion and yet, the media never referred to that nationwide bombardment as part of Gulf II. It is a glaring example of how the media twists our minds.

This following Nostradamus prophecy casts no shadow of doubt that the 27 years’ war refer to the Gulf War that began on January 17, 1991 meaning it is on its 27th year.

Nostradamus Century 8, Quatrain 77

The Antichrist (USA/UN) very soon annihilates the three,
twenty-seven (27) years his war will last.
The unbelievers (MUSLIMS) are dead, captive, exiled;
with blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering the earth.


  1. Whatta crazily believable thoughts you've got there docsy!i just love 'em!!!😍😍😍

  2. St. Bede Stated that the end of the 6,000 years was @ about 2048. Your 27 year begins in 2021. What U'r seeing now is a desensitizing effect to cause a great falling away of faith in advance!
