Thursday, September 29, 2016

WHAT NEXT AFTER NOVEMBER 2016 – Jesus’ second coming?

From the day the Beast 666 was born on September 13, 1990; I read and reread from time to time the Book of Revelation. I watched Christian’s You Tube prophetic documentary movies when I have nothing better to do. In the process, I discovered the Beast 666 (U.N.), the Red Dragon (U.S.A.) that gives powers unto the Beast 666 and the second Beast (NATO). I also discovered the New Jerusalem but the women of Rev 12 and 17 remained a riddle. Last night while I was watching a 1 hour Christian’s prophetic documentary movie; there were scenes that shook me out of my wit. I replayed back the movie and took screenshots of the scenes. You be the judge…

I have no iota of doubt that the woman with crowns over her head with 12 stars is Queen Elizabeth of England – Queen of the British Empire; MOTHER OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL. 

Few clicks in Google will bring you to the 1) Balfour Declaration of 1917 2) The British mandate in Palestine and 3) the founding of Israel in 1948.

The woman in Revelation 17 riding over the Beast 666 (U.N.) is about to be fulfilled in November when the Beast of Empires (USA) vote for a woman president.

What is next after the fulfillment of Revelation 17 – Jesus’ second coming in 2020? 

If you want to know why 2020; ask and I will tell you.


  1. Yes, they wish to ruin, the Mothers call. The truth is that Jesus and Mary or man and womans spirit together are in the likeness of the Gods, for their power is known only in flesh, and in soirit. AKA the spirit and in truth. Whomever is to represent the current political system we are (the whole world)now living in, will be abomidable. The truth lies with the first Confederacy of the 13 Colonies, but not as it is being told today. She is the true lessons and teachings of the mother and fater balanced together. She will minister, heal, teach all who listen how to do these also, and you will know her when she appears to you. If she doesnt represent a new structure of governship that employes all benefits to each and every citizen, she is not your mother. Heads up. Lucifer is Jesus mother, but to tame his red eyed anger that men deserve, she must now become his wife, In spirit (angels) and in truth flesh. Man and woman are called adam. Period. Gen 5-2

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