Monday, October 5, 2015

President Putin: "WHO CREATED ISIS…?"



One threat Obama mentioned is ISIS but who armed them…?

Who armed the Syrians that were fighting with Assad…?

Do you really understand who are fighting in Syria? They are mercenaries. They fight for money. They fight for whoever pays more. Then they occupy the Oil Fields. They extract the oil and somebody purchase this oil. Do you believe USA does not know who is buying it?

We want to support civilized democratic opposition in Syria so you support them, arm them and tomorrow they join ISIS.

Look at Iraq – the situation is terrible. Look at Libya and what you did there that got your ambassador murdered.

Was it us that did this?

You even had a No-Fly-Zone. What for? It was so that Kaddafi’s Air force couldn’t fly over and bomb the rebels. It wasn’t the smartest decision but okay. What did you proceed to do yourselves? You started bombing the territory. It is contradictory to the UN Security Council Resolution. It is even an outright aggression over a state. Was it us that did this? You did this with your bare hands and it ended with the murder of your ambassador. Whose fault is it? It is your fault. Is it a good result that your ambassador is murdered? It is a catastrophe but don’t look around to blame when it is you making these mistakes. 

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