
Sunday, July 5, 2015


…and for the record, Islam and Muslims have no religious concept of the New Jerusalem. It is a Jewish and Christian concept that is prominent in the Bible towards the end times. 

When you get lost in the forest or in the metropolis, you discover things and run into new places you never thought existed. You gain new insights and new knowledge while searching for the path. How about getting lost inside New Jerusalem…?

Although I have no doubt that the ‘Haram Mosque’ in Mecca is the prophesied New Jerusalem, there are many details that I couldn’t account for. The Book of Revelation is quite detailed in its description. I highly recommend that Muslims and Christians read chapter 21 of the book of Revelation, and don’t get me wrong – the book of Revelation should not have been included in the bible as a religious book. The dreamer (astral space/time traveler) is unknown, and the bible writers, in their attempt to divine it, rewrote the prophecy that made it less understandable. If you remove the dreamy and religious parts that are apparent interpolations – you end up with a script of the end times that is unfolding right now as we speak.

If you are on foot, the only way to the other side of the city is to walk inside the mosque and exit through one of the 12 gates.

 It’s the last of the two nights of my pilgrimage. I spent the time in the malls till after midnight. It’s Ramadan, and the malls are alive and in a festive mood in the evenings. It feels good to be a wandering stranger alone in the sea of humanity where you can do whatever you want, and nobody will gossip or laugh about it the following day. The queues at food stands were long, and I had no time, so I ended up where the foods were less exotic (LOL!). I squatted in one corner and relished my coffee and donut.

I scoured the malls of the Clock Tower till it was time for the last meal before the fasting started. Searching for places where meals are served, I entered a dimmed gate – a restaurant where Indian foods are served.  When I had a full view of the hall, I suddenly froze in a split second – I saw this in a dream years ago. I remembered because of the way the tables and chairs are painted with bright red and yellow – very Indian in character. I smiled. If I can ‘astral travel’ at will – I could write about the future, something like the book of Revelation or the Nostradamus 400 quatrains, but I have always treated my gift like a friend that can come and go, and yeah, I had a wonderful meal.

Getting lost in New Jerusalem…

The reconstruction is so massive that they must have dismantled 70% of the entire building. I wanted to perform another circumambulation before the Morning Prayer, so I entered the mosque. I followed the crowd winding through many detours beneath the tower of cranes and along walled construction works. I was lost. I can’t find the ‘Kaaba’ - the cube-like building clad in black, a remnant of the first house of worship ever built for God by Prophet Abraham and his son Ishmael that was supposed to be in the middle of the Mosque. I kept ending up in big, some small, while others were huge hallways with massive towering pillars and building structures- parts of the reconstruction process.  I have never been so awed by beauty and so massive there is no way to describe it. You’ve got to see it to believe it. I kept wandering in the unfinished wonderland. The details of the New Jerusalem I couldn’t account for is coming alive, and there I was - lost in the midst of it. In 2020, according to the plan, it will be finished – inshallah!

I took a photo of a vast passageway that I suddenly found myself walking into. The giant chandeliers were the first to take my attention, and when I reviewed the picture to see if I did it right – the ‘Kaaba’ I was looking for was at the end of what looked like an exotic walkways to the Garden of Eden :-)

The other side of the Tower Clock rarely if ever photographed

view from the inside of Bin Dauwd mosque - Clock Tower complex

small Qur'an for Nishreen

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