Friday, January 30, 2015

WAR IS A RACKET - for adults only

This video is damning evidence against the officers who planned and botched this operation.

Investigators should leave no stone unturned and be aware of those guilty higher ups who will keep pointing fingers to the MILF to cover their faults or were the soldiers intentionally sacrificed to achieve a political agenda something like derailing the peace in Mindanao?

War is a money making racket for the arm industry. It thrives on the perpetuity of war. Peace in Mindanao is bad for business for the merchants of death.


  1. Only if the US government get involved will the families get the reward money or else; the crocodiles will share the 200 million and solicit money like beggars for the families of the fallen. Watch the video obviously taken with a cell phone by the survivors. It was a fair fight except that the soldiers were abandoned to their fate without re-enforcement, no rescue and no evacuation of the wounded some of whom would have survived. I watched it with tears in my eyes. Imagine if you have relatives among the dead.

  2. This video taken by the survivors is the absolute proof that there was no massacre. It was a legitimate fire-fight between opposing combatants unfortunately; the SAF were abandoned by their higher ups. There was no plan for a re-enforcement or rescue mission just in case something goes awry. There was even no plan to evac the wounded many of whom would have survived that keeps me wondering – were they sacrificial lambs where no one was expected to survive or else the planners of the mission would have to be infinitely stupid to think that wandering into the MILF camp with blazing guns would be a walk in the park.
