Thursday, December 25, 2014

AL QUMRAN: The Dead Sea Scroll and Christianity…

In one of the YouTube exchanges of opinions that more often than not ends up in name calling; the arguments was – the Dead Sea Scroll have vindicated Christianity. I wonder if these YouTube marauders know what they are talking about. I know for sure at least I thought I knew for sure that the Dead Sea scroll has nothing to do with Christianity. It’s an ancient manuscript of the Hebrew Bible hidden by its owners in many caves in Al Qumran, Palestine more than 2,000 years ago. Carbon dating of the manuscripts put it at 150 BCE – 68 ACE (A.D.). Nothing in the 85,000 pieces of torn manuscript mentioned about Jesus, Christianity or the New Testament but maybe I was wrong. I wanted to know more…

After many hours of watching documentaries and reading – I realized that the Dead Sea scroll is a Dragon slayer that will kill Christianity. The Dominican monks who studied it for more than 30 years keeping it away from Jewish scholars couldn’t find any earth shaking connections with Jesus and the New Testament. They finally opened it in 1990 to the world of scholarly research.

The “teacher of righteousness” was the leader and possibly founder of the Essenes; a fundamentalist group of Jews who owned the library that included biblical scriptures better known as the Dead Sea scrolls. Although it could not be ascertained how the teacher of righteousness died in the hands of the ruling Jewish hierarchy; many believe that he was among the 800 crucified by the wicked priest in 63 BCE shortly before Palestine was conquered by the Roman legions.

Although the absence of Jesus maybe ignored quietly; learned Christians who are true seekers of truth many of who have already left the faith may find the “Teacher of Righteousness” earth shaking proof of Jesus being a myth. I wonder if Paul and his bunch of Jew conspirators who founded Christianity were remnant members of the “Essenes” who resurrected the teacher of righteousness by creating a myth in the person of Jesus.

Christian scholars continue to find and maintain without proof that Jesus although his name was not mentioned anywhere in the scrolls had somehow something to do with the scrolls. Some even believe that the name Joshua mentioned few times in the scroll was Jesus; the name ‘Jesus Christ’ being a title not a name. Many Christians are now becoming more Jewish than Christian by saying Jews and Christians worship the same God; something Jews who hate Jesus will find laughable. For Christians to come to terms with the Jewish religion where Jesus belonged; they must give up the notion that Jesus is God or the son of the God. For Christians to worship the same God that Jesus worshiped while he walked among men; they should form a new religion, become a Jew or become a Muslim.

There are many interesting documentaries of the “Dead Sea Scroll” you will find on YouTube particularly the apocalyptic prophecies; a battle between the sons of light and the sons of darkness. 

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