Saturday, August 16, 2014

PARALLEL UNIVERSE: The Rise of the Taliban and the ISIS…

I can compare the rise of the ISIS to the rise of the Taliban. When the “Taliban” rode into Kabul engaging and finally dislodging the Northern alliance from Kabul in lightning speed; the world withheld their breath – who are these people and where did they come from? Where did they get their advanced armaments and who is bankrolling them. Only later did we learn that they were armed by USA paid for by KSA and that they were the children recruited from refugee camps inside Pakistan and kept in boarding schools were they were taught an extreme interpretation of Islam. They were trained in the art of the kill aka Universal Soldiers by the best of the CIA. Fortunately or unfortunately; by the time they were old enough to fight – the Russians abandoned Afghanistan. The Northern Alliance who were then lording it over in Kabul after the Russians was pro-Iranian Mujahideen that USA/Pakistan/KSA did not like a bit so they sent in the Taliban and – the rest is history. Ironically; when USA decided to remove the Taliban after 9/11 – USA approached the Northern Alliance who were then cornered by the Taliban along the borders with Iran. Dr. Abdullah Abdullah (present president of Afghanistan) who replaced Sha Masaud after he was assassinated by Al Qaeda agreed to let his men do the ground battle while USA provides arms, logistics and air cover on the understanding that the Northern Alliance will not demand political control after the Taliban is out. 

 MUSLIMS ARE PLAYED BY THE WEST LIKE PAWNS ON A CHESSBOARD…and with the allure of money and power; our leaders play by their roles. What is so maddeningly painful is the way Muslims are being pitted against each other’s slaughtering one another not by hundreds but by thousands and effectively shattering the lives of millions. Something is terribly wrong and I see no light at the end of the tunnel…go self-destruct.

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