
Saturday, June 7, 2014

USA’s War in Afghanistan: persecuting the American Conscience…

As the USA’s war in Afghanistan comes to a close, the exchange of prisoners of war is a natural end to America’s longest war. Bowe had been a captive for years, but his release in exchange for 5 Afghan prisoners at the American Gulag in Cuba has stirred controversies that have divided the American people, which perplexes outsiders. In a war of choice that is based on lies – the first casualty is not only the truth but, in this case – the naïve American public. It boggles my mind to this day why the USA, in the first place, went to war in Afghanistan, a country that has nothing to do with 9/11. It even deeply boggles my mind why the American people didn’t question it. USA was after OBL, the alleged mastermind of 9/11, and his bunch of marauding Arab Mujahids (not Afghans) that had been for years armed and paid for by the CIA to kill and slaughter Russians and their Afghan supporters.  USA instead unleashed the power of the empire against the poorest of the poor that I can only describe as insane – absolutely evil.

Bowe Bergdahl is just one of many young Americans who realized that they were deceived by their government into fighting the wrong kind of war. His mistake - writing his parents about it and wandering into the Taliban heartland. 

Interesting read…
13 Things You Need to Know About Bowe Bergdahl
Key facts from the late Michael Hastings' profile of the freed Taliban POW

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