Saturday, June 28, 2014


While the “Hunger Games” and the “Game of Thrones” are fictions; the Jihadist War Games are for real. While Uncle Sam is the executive producer; the directors are the CIA and the MOSSAD.
When I read that Kerry is headed for Syria to offer 500 million dollars to the terrorists fighting the Assad regime; I was shocked – what a two headed shameless monster then I realized that USA is playing the Jihadist war games to its own advantage.

An aid to the Jihadists in Syria is an indirect aid to the ISIL and if Uncle Sam can maintain a controllable war that it can manipulate to threaten Assad, Maliki and Iran not to mention Hezbollah; Israel’s brutal subjugation of the Palestinians will be out of focus. With Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Iraq and Syria in constant warfare – Israel can go about its own business unhampered. USA’s goal: keep fueling a war without end between Sunni and the Shiites so the rest of us can be safe from the wrath of their anger.  They are Muslims anyway…let them slaughter each other’s. If only tears can ease the pain I feel for my brothers…


Good chance military hardware will end up in the hands of Islamic terror group
In the war business, timing is everything.

For instance, timing appears to be a factor in the ISIS advance in Iraq and the dysfunctional Iraqi government’s response to it, at least for the war industry.
Last month it was announced a few outstanding members of the military-industrial complex would stand to rake in around a billion dollars if an arms sale to the Iraqi government was approved by Congress.
Considering the current situation in Iraq and alarm bells echoing through the halls of Congress, the sale will undoubtedly go through without a hitch.

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