Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Book of Revelation and ASTRAL PROJECTION in TIME

If you are a natural dreamer and have experienced astral projection; you know that astral projection transcends the borders of space and time. Memory recall is what you do in your waking hours but not something that you naturally do when asleep. When you dream of the past – you actually traveled back in time in the same manner that you traveled forward in time if you dream of the future.

I watched the latest X-men (internet pirated movie) expecting to see action at its heights but then I realized it’s a time travel movie. Sometimes I wonder if Hollywood fictionalizing it to the extreme marred the real issue of truth and fiction – Inception/X-men Future Past.

The Book of Revelation – believe it or not – is a classic Astral Projection that transcended the borders of time thousands of years into the future. The dreamer described in the best he could for an audience of his time what he didn’t know he saw was millenniums away. Most and foremost; the dreamer must have been a Babylonian. When he saw the armada of warships by the UN allied forces with blazing cannons in the Persian Gulf (War of 1991); he described it as Beast coming out of the sea (UN Res 666). When he saw 2,000 aircraft flying sorties over Iraq; he described them as locusts over Babylon; laser guided missiles and bombs virtually raining over Iraq as stars falling from heaven. When he described one of the locusts; you can’t help but feel really amused – an accurate description of a modern fighter aircraft.

Revelation  9:1 – ‘...and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the Earth and he opened the bottomless pit... 

...and there arose a smoke of the pit as the smoke of a great furnace and the sun and the air were darkened as a reason of the smoke and the pit...

...and there came out of the smoke locusts upon the Earth...and the shape of the locusts were like unto horses prepare for battle and on their heads were as if there were crowns of Gold, and their faces were as the faces of men...and they had breastplates as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle...and they had tails like unto scorpions.’

The dreamer of the book of revelation should be give the credit of having foretold in a dream in ancient times the dawning of the modern fighter aircraft.

15 minutes crash course on astral projection (embed) 

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