Thursday, April 17, 2014

STAR WARS: Master Jedi Yoda – the force – the Qur’an

Wow! I have just finished watching the 6 episodes of the Star Wars franchise. Each of the last 6 days; I would watch one long episode beginning of course with the more recent Episode 1. If you were old enough then to watch the Sci-fi movie; you will enjoy it more tremendously now that you live through to see it comes true: flying cars/drones, spy drones, iPads/Tablets, wireless and holograms communications, robot surgeons etc. The scene that I found really striking was Master Jedi Yoda explaining to the young skywalker the energy that is between us, surrounds everything – the force. He did it better than cosmologists who until few years ago were puzzling over what the 95% of the universe is made of. I took my Sony Cybershot and video-shot the 1/2 minute scene.

Few years ago; 3 scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize in science when they discovered more definitively that the Universe is expanding at an accelerating rate not slowing down as previously thought. Some unseen force that they now came to call “Dark Energy” must be tearing the universe apart – the force; dark because it is invisible and the matter that generates the energy; they came to call “Dark Matter;” dark because it is immeasurable, untouchable and invisible.

Qur’an 25:59
“He Who created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them…”
Qur’an 55:15
“And He created Jinn from fire free of smoke…” (Fire [energy] free of smoke [invisible] – DARK ENERGY)
Qur’an 15:27
“And the Jinn race; We had created before from the fire [free of smoke] of a scorching wind…” (The scorching wind of dark energy that is virtually tearing the universe apart)
Qur’an 81:2
“When the stars fall; losing their luster…”
Qur’an 25:25
“The day the heaven shall be rent asunder…”
Qur’an 81:14
“(Then) shall each soul know what it has put forward…”
Qur’an 81:15
“So verily I call to witness the planets – that recede…”

(Because of the universe’s accelerating expansion; stars will become so far away that they will disappear from earthly sight [fall] and the stars in our own milky way galaxy will lose their luster becoming dim. Even the planets and moons in our solar system will recede. The universe will become so cold; no living thing will survive the big freeze – THE END)

Master Jedi Yoda: “Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we; not this crude matter. You must feel the force around you. Here – between you, me and the trees, the roots, everywhere – yes…even between the land and the ship.”
Qur’an 25:59

“He Who created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them…”

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