Monday, March 3, 2014

abc NEWS 20/20: Understanding Islam in USA

USA because of its uncompromising adherence to freedom of religion is a fertile ground for the growth of Islam - it might be too fertile for all its differing branches to overgrow specially the modern liberalized Muslims. Islam is not much different from Christianity when it comes to various out branching of the faith and like Christianity; there is likewise an interfaith rivalry among its adherents. The bloodletting between the Sunni and the Shiites is no different from the Catholic-Protestant divide that devastated the European continent in earlier times that led to Europe’s “Dark Ages.” That there are 2 million Muslims in USA is a lie – regardless of how USA’s major networks try to project itself as fair; their biases is always palpably obvious. There are at present more than 6 million Muslims in USA and counting – Islam is the fastest growing religion in USA and the world.

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