Monday, March 31, 2014

BELIEVE IT OR NOT – The New Jerusalem

With technology comes the wanton spread of knowledge – without mercy. As the non-sustaining candlelight of Christianity burns out; Christian’s only sensible spiritual refuge is Islam. It is a reversal of one of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) authentic Hadiths (traditions) where he was quoted to have said (very prophetic); “the closest to you (Muslims) are those who called themselves Christians…”Looking back (rewind); it can be likewise said that the closest to you (Christians) are those who called themselves Muslims and for a very grounded reason – Islam is the only non-Christian faith that revere Jesus [Prophet Issa (a.s.)] like no other. Since in the chain of messengers; the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) was the natural successor to Prophet Issa (a.s.) – Islam is the natural successor to Christianity. It is no surprise therefore that more and more Christian are finding their way to Islam.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

STRANGER THAN FICTION: Israel has an identical Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200 in storage…

I think (an opinion of one); the real target was Beijing and blame the 2 Iranians on board to inflame the highly sensitive Chinese emotions across the globe. China has been a stumbling block to US/Israel plans to bomb Iran and to further impose really stinging embargoes that can truly hurt the Iranian people which USA/Israel hopes will drive Iranians to the edge – revolution. NK

BANGKOK - It is by no mere coincidence, when telltale
evidence of a Mossad role in the MH370 hijack was starting to snowball, that Israel's embassies and consulates were suddenly shut down due to a "strike by diplomatic staff". This fork-tongued alibi was obviously meant to prevent law enforcement agencies across Asia and the Western world from questioning Israeli intelligence agents and military attaches about thewhereabouts and fate of the hundreds of passengers.

'via Blog this'

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

TWILIGHT ZONE: the odyssey of flight 33 and MH 370

A 25 minutes movie of flight 33 from London to New York made for TV in 1961 that sounds very prophetic of what happened to Malaysian Airline flight 370. Similarly; the maker of the movie did not make any conclusive ending meaning in the case of MH 370 – we will never know for sure what transpired in the long hours inside the plane before its final descent to oblivion. 

Friday, March 21, 2014

SAMPAGUITA; Philippine’s icon of rock music – a MUSLIM?

That Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion is no myth at all. Although I have been surprised these past weeks by friends I have known to be fanatic Christians suddenly turning to Islam; others beyond the blue likewise reverting to Islam is a surprise one too many. I was watching a noon-time news channel when an icon of Philippine rock music replied to an interview – Insaallah. Huh! Sampaguita embraced Islam too…? I focused my vision to the cloth around her neck and realized; it’s too long for a scarf. It’s a hijab. 

Monday, March 17, 2014

THE DEEN SHOW: I didn't choose Islam; Allah chose me…

Sometimes ago; I wrote about friends that surprised me when they converted to Islam. Last Friday; more of them accepted Islam and declared their Sajda (Shahada). One of them just walked out of my clinic. He comes every month to take his prescription meds.

“I heard that you too accepted Islam,” I said while I was writing his prescription. “You are lucky,” I glanced where he was sitting, “that you took your shahada in front of a big crowd and led (of all people) by Dr. Lawrence Brown.” Obviously; he has neither the idea nor the prior knowledge of who Dr. Lawrence Brown is. Last Friday was the 7th and last of the series of Friday lectures in Abha City attended by the region’s who’s who. Very unfortunate for me; there was no way I could have left my work to make the two hours journey with friends.

“I accepted Islam,” he replied, “more out of gratitude for the blessings that God showered me with even before I recognized His Almighty. This is the 32nd year in my company and they still offered me to stay while they let go of younger people not wanting to leave.”

I chuckled lightly. It reminded me of an episode of “The Deen Show” I watched last night where two of the guests said, “I didn’t choose Islam; Allah chose me.” I tapped the keyboard of my new Samsung Convertible (Tablet/Laptop Hybrid) and showed him Dr. Brown’s You Tube videos. Standing behind my desk; he looked at it wide-eyed. “I’ll go and watch it - now,” he muttered.

Some people think that Filipinos in Saudi Arabia converting to Islam is imperative to territory; something out of necessity. It could be true for some but most are genuinely guided to the right path. In this “Deen Show” episode; a Filipino American converted to Islam as matter of family affair. When his cousin and brother accepted Islam; he too declared his faith 2 months after. A Chinese man born in Beijing who had migrated to USA was led to the faith by a friend who showed him a copy of the Qur’an. When he discovered that a chapter of the Qur’an is titled “Luqman;” he took it as a sign from Allah. His Chinese name is “Luman.” He changed his name to Luqman. This other guy picked a beautiful calligraphy he found in the net as the wallpaper of his laptop. 

“Bro; you are a Muslim now?”


“So what is this wallpaper on your laptop?”

“Why, what is it…?”

“It is the Shahada in Arabic; a declaration of belief in the one true God.”

“You know; my mother used to tell me that God works in most mysterious ways. Allah must have chosen me to be a believer. I didn't choose Islam; Allah chose me.” 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

BERMUDA TRIANGLE: Flight MH370 and Flight 19 flying into the unknown


Although it is absolutely bizarre that in this time and age – an entire jetliner with 239 people on board can vanish into thin air possibly all with mobile phones with GPS not to mention the jetliner’s own black box equipped with locator that can survive the deepest sea and beep for 30 days; it is not the first time. 

On December 5, 1945; an entire squadron of 5 fighter jets on a bombing exercise in what has ever since became known as the Bermuda Triangle vanished into the history books of the mysterious unknown. 20 minutes into flight; the plane sent out to rescue the disoriented pilots likewise vanished without a trace to this day – the entire squadron and their rescuer.

The Malaysian airline flight MH370 is lost in one of the most densely populated piece of the planet – it is close to impossible for it to have crashed without anyone hearing or seeing something either on land or in the sea.

In the Bermuda Triangle; ships and planes vanished without a trace and in few occasions; ships were found drifting in the sea with all its passengers vanished while their half consumed meals were still on the tables.

If it is true that MH370 turned west to the Strait of Malacca; the pilot must have been disoriented. He probably assumed that he was on the right flight path. Watch this 3 minutes BBC documentary of flight 19 and its disoriented pilots. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

EARTH’s MOON: An Alien UFO Mother-ship…?

Earth’s moon many believe is artificial and or engineered natural satellite positioned perfectly where it is to make earth livable for intelligent life.

Imagine without the moon serving as an anchor of earth in space; earth will wobble wildly swinging the oceans to wash away low lying landscapes. Every wave will be a tsunami. Earth’s oceans would have not last long. It would have evaporated. Earth will be what planet Mars is today.

Earth’s moon if it has been smaller or bigger would have affected earth’s gravitation that would have in effect altered evolution as we know it.

Thousands of UFO sightings have been recorded not only on film but on video as well but the question remains: where is the mother ship…? 

Ever wondered why our Earth has only one moon compared to its siblings in the solar system? Were other moons removed to make earth’s gravity just perfect for intelligent life to thrive?

Is it a coincidence that earth’s moon is 1/400 the size of the sun and its distance from earth is 1/400 the distance of earth from the sun so that on a foggy or hazy day; the sun looks exactly the size of the moon and in the case of a solar eclipse; the moon can completely shut out the sun? Was it meant for a joke or for a specific reason?

Aliens may not be as malevolent after all and humorless as tinsel town always want us to believe for entertainment. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Brother Nathanael: Do We Want a Jewish State?

There is no iota of Biblical truth that the Promised Land was for Jacob’s (Israel) generations. Isaac; the forefather of the Jews was not even born when the promise was made to Abraham and his son Ishmael. Abraham was 99 years old and his son Ishmael was 13 years of age when they were circumcised (as a seal of the covenant).  The yet to be born Isaac was never a party to the covenant in fact God who is the sole possessor of eternity did not even saw it fit to wait until Isaac is born; a puzzle I cannot comprehend unless God meant it to be for a reason. 

Genesis 17:1 “I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you. The whole land of Canaan where you are now an alien, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you, and I will be their God.”
Genesis 17:10 “This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you; the covenant you are to keep: every male among you shall be circumcised: you are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and you.”

Genesis 17:23 “On that very day Abraham took his son Ishmael and all those born in his household or bought with his money every male in his household and circumcised them as God told him.”
Genesis 17:24 “Abraham was 99 years old when he was circumcised and his son Ishmael was 13. Abraham and his son were both circumcised on that same day.”


Monday, March 3, 2014

abc NEWS 20/20: Understanding Islam in USA

USA because of its uncompromising adherence to freedom of religion is a fertile ground for the growth of Islam - it might be too fertile for all its differing branches to overgrow specially the modern liberalized Muslims. Islam is not much different from Christianity when it comes to various out branching of the faith and like Christianity; there is likewise an interfaith rivalry among its adherents. The bloodletting between the Sunni and the Shiites is no different from the Catholic-Protestant divide that devastated the European continent in earlier times that led to Europe’s “Dark Ages.” That there are 2 million Muslims in USA is a lie – regardless of how USA’s major networks try to project itself as fair; their biases is always palpably obvious. There are at present more than 6 million Muslims in USA and counting – Islam is the fastest growing religion in USA and the world.