Sunday, February 9, 2014

THE JINN: Exorcism in Islam

Although Jesus is the New Testament’s top exorcist (there are many others in the Old Testament); the Bible is unclear in the full definition of the spirit.

Every Christian, even those who have not read the Bible must have at least heard the famous story of Jesus, the exorcist. One of Jesus’ disciples unable to talk the spirit out of a man’s possessed body approached the master and told him of his futile attempt to exorcise the man. It turned out that the man was possessed not by a single spirit but by a legion. The spirits told Jesus they needed other bodies to posses if they were to leave the man so Jesus asked the man’s family to bring a thousand pigs, consequently according to the famous Bible story, all possessed pigs run into the sea and drowned.

Comparatively; Islam has a far clearer view of man’s invisible enemy. It has since the dawn of creation not only tempted man to commit horrific crimes; it has misled humanity to worship all sorts of idols molded from gold, bronze and silver, idols curved of out woods and rocks. It has misled men to worship the living and the dead; the obvious and the unseen. It has tempted men to worship power, fame and fortune.

‘Ibliss’ alternatively called the ‘Shaytan’ in Islam is no fallen angel. Ibliss is favoured among Jinn that God created from a smokeless fire compared to angels that God created from light. Because of his devotion to the creator; Ibliss was favored by God to sit among the angels until he became arrogant. When God commanded the angels and Ibliss to bow before Adam; the angels although they questioned God’s wisdom in the creation of man that will spread mischief on Earth – they bowed as commanded but not Ibliss. Why will I; created from smokeless fire bow before man that is created from dirt – Ibliss protested. He became God’s competitor ever since.

The Jinn created from a smokeless fire (Qur’an) must be of pure energy that surprisingly syncs with scientific concept of the spirit although most scientists don’t believe in its existence but those who do suspects the spirits to be energy that will explain its invisibility and power to move objects – poltergeist.

The Qur’an “smokeless fire” is probably the invisible “dark energy” that scientists now believe is accelerating the expansion of the universe virtually tearing our world apart.  

One chapter of the Qur’an is devoted to the “Jinn;” God’s creation that lives exactly like humans without the physical body. They worship God, eat, procreate, build families and like men – some are good while others can be as bad as the beast among men and yes, they can possess the body of willing humans and yes, they can be exorcised. They are not totally invisible to the naked eye because when they choose; they can appear to some. I saw them in broad daylight always assuming the physique of someone I know and I heard them laugh and giggle – happy spirits.

And verily, We created mankind from sounding clay of altered smooth mud and the jinn We created from smokeless fire.
Qur’an 15:26-27

I created Jinn and Mankind only in order that they might worship Me.?
Qur'an 51:56

The 3 types of Jinn are as follows:
1 Amir: (Resident Jinn) used to mean that he is one of those who live with people.
2 Shaytan: Used for a Jinni who is malicious and has become wicked.
3 Ifrit: Used for a Jinni who is stronger and more powerful than a Shaytan.

The Deen Show Video…

1 comment:

  1. The jinn look nothing like that picture. They were made out of smokeless fire, this means fire without the smoke which is properly a type of plasma unseen to the human eye. And they were made with free-will this means they have freedom to do whatever they want, so they don't live in middle eastern oil lamps or bottles and act as your slave. And sense they are not human beings they don't look like humans nor do they have ponytails and wear eastern clothes.

    The jinn have been called many things throughout history, such as the Daemons to the Greeks, Genii to the Romans, Peri to the Persians, Fairy to the Celts, and so on. And they are not angels (heavenly beings of light), if we use the original Lain word Angel it means messengers, so the pure pious of the jinn who were messengers of god, those who fell from grace would be a fallen messenger, not to be confused with the beings of light which cannot disobey God.
