Tuesday, January 14, 2014

ON LETTERS, DREAMS, THE MOON...Jaime T. Licauco (part 3)

“Do paranormal abilities run in the family? My elder brother though unschooled (he was in the second grade when our father died) is a good and honest businessman. He shouldered my education and the schooling of my other two brothers.”

 “He was telling us how one time someone knocked on his door. He was then sleeping. He went to the door but had to return to bed because he left his body behind. He even hovered above watching how his body looked like.”

“In the early days of the Mindanao State University, water was a major problem since the university is located on the high slope of a mountain/hill overlooking the lake and the city. Deep wells yielded no water. Wells were dug down the hill at the level of the lake and water was brought to the campus in limited amount by motorized pumps. My brother built two dormitories in the campus and like others before him tried to dig a well. When on the last day of the contract; the rigs produced no water, the workers started packing up but my brother pleaded with them for one more day. Shortly after midnight; he prayed “Tahjudd” an optional prayer in Islam for special occasions. The following day; the rig yielded plenty of water which they thought at first to be undrinkable because it was milky white only to realize that it was micro-bubbles. They then built a bathing center that benefited them greatly until everyone got water from their own wells.”

It is possible for paranormal abilities to run in families. Some people incarnate within the same circle to work out particular group karma. It is clear that you seem to belong to a family of psychics.

What your brother experienced when someone knocked on his door while he was asleep is astral projection or an out-of-body experience. The astral body is also known in some esoteric schools of thought as the “desire body.” The astral body, because of desire to answer the knocking on the door, detached itself from the physical body. When this happened, your brother became conscious of the fact that his physical body was left behind and therefore returned to it. This is a common experience of many people who would not talk about it because they do not know that it is a natural phenomenon.

Prayers if done properly can literally move mountains, materialize things, even find water the way your brother did. The problem is that most of us never were thought the proper way to pray. So we seldom have our prayers answered. Your brother apparently knew how to pray intuitively in the proper way.

“What’s a Jinn?”…The Holy Book of Islam (Qur’an) spoke of God’s creation in another dimension called the Jinn. They are intelligent and God-fearing but some are bad, others are good. Is it possible Ang Suh belongs to these God’s creation in another dimension?”

Unfortunately, I do not know much about Jinn the way your Holy Book describes them. The only exposure I have to these beings is the one described in Alladin and His Magic Lamp, and I am sure that it is a distorted view of what a Jinn is like. I suspect though that Ang Suh belongs to another category of beings. In the first place he says he exists in the upper fifth dimension. Where do the Jinn come from? In the second place, Ang Suh is a being of light who communicates to earth people for a specific purpose to bring enlightenment to our universe. He does not intervene in the affairs of man even to help physically the way I think a Jinn does. Ang Suh merely gives warning of things to come when needed and it is up to us to heed it or not.

“What is in a glass? When I was a student, I experimented with the spirit of the glass. To convince my dorm mates; I covered my eyes with a towel and it still worked. In the process; I discovered that one can communicate with the spirit without saying one’s question aloud. Just think about it and the glass will respond. We even communicated with the spirit of one who speaks only Ilocano and who allegedly was one of four involved in a crime in Ilocos which remained unsolved to this day.”

One thing I have always warned people against is playing with the spirit of the glass. It is a dangerous game for one cannot have control over the type of spirit or force that may enter. There are incidents that have happened during such sessions.

You see; when you sit in a séance, your lower chakras or psychic centers are open and you are vulnerable to psychic attacks or spirit possession. A playful or earthbound spirit can penetrate your weakened defenses and overpower you. It is best to leave such practices alone. Nothing good can come out of it especially if done without guidance.

“What’s a Ghost? When I was in high school, my friends and I rented a room in front of the school. One time; we didn’t sleep the whole night preparing for an exam. At 4:00 am my friend and I walked to a mosque a few km away where a spring runs by its side. At the end of my prayer, my friend whispered asking me to hurry with my prayer. Through the window, we saw a ghost a few hundred meters away by the road. It was a mass of smoke the size of a human, like a mist moving beneath a blazing moonlight. We watched it move without really touching the ground; a faceless mist moving at the pace of a normal walk, not in a hurry as if enjoying the moonlight. It passed by us and when it did; we dashed out of the mosque and followed it until we realized that we had followed it to a graveyard shaded by tall Marang trees. We stopped, about faced, and run with all our might!”

That was indeed an interesting ghost story. There are various types of ghosts and what you saw probably was the wraith of an early departed soul. These can be usually seen walking about near cemeteries. There are ghosts who appear almost life-like with all the features clearly delineated. This is another type. They usually show themselves only to specific persons to whom they wish o convey an important message.

The above replies barely scratch the surface of these interesting topics. A more detailed reply would fill a volume. I hope however this helps you get an idea of the magnitude of the paranormal phenomenon and will encourage you to search further.

1 comment:

  1. i love paranormal phenomenon stories. i feel they bring me ever more closer to the Creator of all...believing in His ultimate genius in creating such creatures. strengthening my faith in Him and Him alone.
