Sunday, January 12, 2014

ON LETTERS, DREAMS, THE MOON by Jaime T. Licauco (part 2)

“What’s in the moon? Since I was a child, I always knew that at certain times of the month, I am cheerful (Biorhythms?). Only when I came to Saudi Arabia was I able to chart the exact dates, since the lunar calendar is being used here. From the 6th to the 21st day of the lunar calendar, I am bound to be more cheerful. Friends and people I barely knew will stop in the middle of the road to shake my hand and I can better manage things that come my way. What’s even more perplexing is my hair. 20-30% of my hairs become white towards the full moon and decreases to about 10% as the moon wanes. I’m only 35 years old by the way. From the 22nd to the 5th of the next lunar month, I tend to be more irritable; prone to troubles, quarrels with my wife, or more accidents come to the emergency room if I am on duty there.”

I think it is already an established scientific fact that the moon affects all living creatures on Earth. Astrology extended it further and said all other planets affect us too.

Some of course get affected by the waxing and waning of the moon more than the others and you obviously happen to belong to the more sensitive group of people. Women’s menstrual cycle as you know is greatly influenced by the moon.

I suspect that the “Yin” or the feminine part of your being is as well developed and sensitive as your “Yang” or masculine part. This has nothing to do with one’s being effeminate or virile. I am referring to two-part nature of human beings; the animus and the anima of Carl Jung’s terminology. I think to have these basic aspects of man developed side by side is indeed very good as long as balance and harmony is achieved.

“What’s in a height? Why do I love so much to be in high places especially on top of mountains?” (Note: I did not mention in the letter or rather missed to mention that the town where I work then and now is more than 3,000 feet above sea level. It is one of Saudi Arabia’s highest peak towns and the weather throughout the year is just…wow!)

We know that mountains have a different energy from the low lands. Mystics, psychics, hermits and other practitioners of the esoteric sciences prefer to stay in the mountains than in the low land. Scientifically speaking; mountains have more of negative ions which refresh and invigorate man than the cities and the low lands. Being a sensitive person that I believe you are, it is natural for you to gravitate to and be happier in such high places as mountain tops than elsewhere.

“What’s in a place? My brother and I are trying to translate the “Darangen;” an epic of my people believed to be longer than the Ramayana or the Mahabharata. It consists of 17 books. According to the story; there was a time when man mingled and communicated freely with beings from other planes or dimensions. There is a cave in my province that nobody cares to venture into because it is believed to contain the remains of the Darangen (Kingdom of Bembaran). They were allegedly punished by the gods by turning them into stones.”

I am not familiar with your epic but I’m glad to know that there is an attempt to translate it. You will note that all great epics of the world have for their theme or central idea the ability to converse with beings from other dimensions and the earth-men usually call them gods or angels. There is a theory that such beings from other dimensions or other galaxies actually lived amongst us eons ago. Erich Von Daniken popularized this idea beginning with his book “Chariots of the Gods.” Some even said that Jesus Christ was really a spaceman from another galaxy who was sent to earth to guide man back to his source which he had almost completely forgotten. Perhaps the cave you mentioned really harbors the remains of such superior creatures. Who knows; I wouldn’t discount the possibility.

“Beings from another plane? Since she was a child, my aunt is often visited by a being from another dimension who speaks through her. The spirit, if you may call that claims to be her twin. We can hear beautiful whistling sounds around the house when her twin wants to talk through her then we would hear our aunt fall with a thud at the end of her prayer. We Muslims pray five times a day so her twin spirit would come during any of these times. The spirit usually comes when someone is sick in our family or warns us of coming accidents, catastrophes, epidemics and the like. My brother once was asked by her to pick some herbal medicines by the window. My brother stretched his hand out and the medicine just fell from nowhere on his hands.”

From the description, it looks like the spirit being you speak of is a fairy or encanto as known by the people of Luzon. It usually appears as a beautiful lady in white with flowing dress, long silky hair whose feet never touch the ground. She glides rather than walks when she moves. The language of the encanto is similar to the whistling or chirping of birds. They can enter the body of a human being and help him or her in time of distress. The encanto can also materialize objects, like the herbal medicine you speak of. She can also heal and foretell the future. But according to my information; there are positive as well as negative encantos. Your aunt is lucky to be in contact with the positive one. Encantos belong to what some call elemental or nature spirits like dwarfs, sylphs, undines, etc. Others would put them in a separate category. It doesn’t really matter much how we classify them. What’s more important is how we can learn and understand and communicate with them better. Your aunt who is a natural medium for such beings can start exploring this aspect.

1 comment:

  1. i remember again in my youth...a classmate of mine used to be in communication with so called encantos and dwarfs...there were times then that she would just fall as in in trance...would utter some unrecognizable words and would get out from trance as though nothing happened. when we used to go to her house she would tell us to listen to what her little friends would say but it is only her who sees them...we thought she was some kind of weird and we'd just go along with her so as not to offend her.

    i heard nothing about her now as she has left their place and is now living or so i heard somewhere in bulacan.
