Wednesday, September 4, 2013


I went to the mosque to pray. The mosque was not only empty; it was in complete disarray and the ground was covered with litters. It was dark, abandoned and I could see through the roofs. It’s crumbling.

I felt very sad when I woke up from the dream because I knew; it is the correct picture of what Muslims has become. They have abandoned the true teachings of Islam: love, peace and brotherhood. It is a sign of the end times that Muslims become ignorant of the true teachings of their own religion. The major reason why Muslims are required to pray in the mosque is to create a “band of brothers” among the believers meaning the crumbling mosque is brotherhood lost.

I remember during the early days of the conflict where Bashar Assad met with people demanding for reforms. He listened and promised to find a common ground but then a group of Jihadists entered Syria and started attacking government installations and the police. I believe; they are the same group of International “Dajjal” jihadists that destroyed Libya armed to the teeth and secretly financed by western intelligence agencies to mislead believers and sow dissension among Muslim.


There will be civil strife that will render people deaf, dumb and blind regarding what is right. Those who contemplate it will be drawn by it and giving rein to the tongue during it will be like smiting with the sword.

Woe to the Arabs because of evil, which has drawn near. He will escape who restrain his hands
The least of the signs of the last hour will be a fire that will gather mankind from the East to the West.

There will be civil strife that will wipe out the Arabs and their slain will go to hell. During it, the tongue will be more severe than blows of the sword.

God will send a wind from the direction of Syria. No one who has in his heart as much as a grain of good [faith] will remain on the Earth without being taken and even if one of you had entered the interior of a mountain [Bunkers/tunnels], it would come in where he was and take him.

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