Tuesday, September 3, 2013

RUSSIA’S hi-tech advanced arms to Syria…

USA’s Jewish congress has given their top war dog Obama to go ahead and spark the war that may lead to World War III. Assuming that Obama has planned a limited engagement but does Assad has a plan for a limited response? Syria is a 90% Sunni meaning if Assad falls; he will have no qualms about the total destruction of Syria something like “if I fall; I will bring down with me the 90% Sunnis who brought about the destruction of Syria. The only way I can do that is to attack Israel/USA who will pulverize Syria for me.” Assad is neither Khaddafy nor Saddam; both despised by Arab leaders without superpower backers. Assad is an Arab but he is a Shiite (Shia); a branch of Islam locked in a bitter battle with Sunni Islam for more than a thousand years.  Syria has been a long time ally of Russia back to the days of Hafez' Assad; Bashar’s father. Did it ever occur to Israel/USA that Assad could be luring them into the Syrian quagmire to create a battle ground away from Tehran? With Russia’s best arms, Hezbollah and Iran’s revolutionary guards…USA could see more of its young die in another Jews war before the other wars come to a close. This is my fear coming to the fore…

Russia Has Equipped Syria With Their Most Advanced Anti-Ship Missiles

By Michael Snyder

September 03, 2013 "Information Clearing House -
  Russia has sold Syria highly advanced rocket launchers, anti-aircraft missiles and anti-ship missiles.  In fact, the P-800 Yakhont anti-ship missiles that Russia has equipped Syria with are the most advanced anti-ship missiles that Russia has.  When the United States strikes Syria, they might be quite surprised at how hard Syria can hit back.  The Syrian military is the most formidable adversary that the U.S. military has tangled with in the Middle East by far.  From Syria, P-800 Yakhont anti-ship missiles can cover much of the eastern Mediterranean and can even reach air bases in Cyprus.  If the U.S. Navy is not very careful to stay out of range, we could easily see footage of destroyed U.S. naval vessels sinking into the Mediterranean Sea on the evening news.  And once the American people see such footage, it will be impossible to stop a full-blown war between the United States and Syria.
Syria has highly advanced weapons systems that Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya did not have.  Anyone that thinks that we can just sit back and lob cruise missiles at them is being naive.  Syria has weapons that "have never before been seen" in the Middle East.  The following is from a recent article by Mac Slavo...
According to the report from Syrian-based Dam Press and the Dyar Newspaper, the Russians aren’t backing off their Syria policy and they are getting ready to double down by supplying Assad’s military with weapons the have never before been seen in the middle east.
If and when Western forces engage the Syrian army you can be assured that it will be nothing like the 1991 conflict in Iraq when a hundred thousand of Saddam Hussein’s soldiers surrendered without firing a shot. Nor will it be a no-fly zone free-for-all where air forces will be able to target military assets as they did in Libya without being challenged.
No, this time will be different.
Posted below are some excerpts from a translation of the article from Syrian-based Dam Press that Mac Slavo mentioned...
The Patriot Missiles will be hit and repealed with S300 SAM [already installed in Syria]. Putin also threatened to deliver the more advanced S400 anti-aircraft missiles
He added that Russia will also supply Syria with state-of-the-art 24-Barrell rocket launchers which have a range of 60 km ranked as the most developed artillery weapon of its kind.
Putin clearly stated that the Middle East is going to witness a significant change.  Syria will be armed with weapons that have never been seen before [in the Middle East] including computer guided smart missiles that never miss their target.
He also added that Russia will supply Syria with Skean 5 ground-to-sea missiles that are capable of hitting and sinking any target up to 250 km off the Syrian coast.
Full article:

1 comment:

  1. if US of A will not cower in fear with these display of armory...another war is in the offing... this time will the world just stand in watch without joining the foray? i fear the coming of this day...let us all join hands in prayer to the Almighty to have mercy on us all and save us from this sickening happenings.
