Monday, August 12, 2013

Obama reassessing relations with Putin’s Russia…

This is what USA gets when it closely associates with the wrong kind of people. It eventually gets infected by the viral demon that consumes a race. Not only is USA infected by Israel’s obsession with security paranoia; it adopted Israel’s means of defensive methods like rendition, killing people for the crime of thought meaning you can be killed by merely thinking of opposing the gods in the White House and with the advent of killer machines; it got the tools to kill anyone anywhere on the planet. You can run but you cannot hide.  Either torture them or kill them; Israel’s way is the American way. What Israel does to oppress the Palestinians; USA does to the American people and the rest of the world.

Israel has absolutely corrupted USA’s leaders by implanting in their minds that if Israel is the chosen that cannot be wrong; USA is the bigger version of it so USA goes around telling people that we are right and all the rest are wrong. Either you are with us; the chosen or you are with the enemy meaning everyone else that refuses to see it our way. 

“Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.”

PressTV - Obama says US pausing to reassess relations with Russia:

Obama says US pausing to reassess relations with Russia

US President Barack Obama says the United States is pausing to reassess relations with Russia, amid what he called ‘backward’ thinking by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Moscow’s adoption of a more anti-US attitude.

Obama said there are a number of other issues of concern such as emerging differences around Syria and around human rights, besides the recent extradition spat over American intelligence leaker Edward Snowden. 

"Frankly, on a whole range of issues where we think we can make some progress, Russia has not moved," Obama said during a White House press conference. "I've encouraged Mr. Putin to think forward rather than backwards on those issues with mixed success."

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