Saturday, August 31, 2013

SYRIA...another American war for the Jews


It is a Jewish cause in which every American will die for…

Pax America is dying; pax Judea rises in its place…

Fighting for the Jews abroad is a sick and dying empire licking its own wounds at home…

Friday, August 30, 2013


Today I took some pictures of the vanishing mud brick homes of Saudi Arabia. When I first arrived in this town; I could virtually count the number of houses made of cement blocks with my fingers. More than 30 years later; I could count the numbers of houses made of mud bricks that still stands with my fingers. 90% of houses then were mud bricks. I lived in one because there was no other choice with baby scorpions crawling under my bed. With Saudi Arabia’s increasing affluence; 95% of today’s homes are palatial mansions. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013


It is a man's sympathy with all creatures that truly makes him a man. Until he extends his circle of compassion to all living things, man himself will not find peace." -  Albert Schweitzer

"I can do no other than be reverent before everything that is called life. I can do no other than to have compassion for all that is called life. That is the beginning and the foundation of all ethics." -  Albert Schweitzer

 "By compassion we mean the deep feeling that comes when we recognize our soul's reflection in another person, when that other person's pain or joy becomes our own. Cindy Spring , Charles Garfield "Wisdom Circles "

"Compassion is an emotion of which we ought never to be ashamed. Graceful, particularly in youth, is the tear of sympathy, and the heart that melts at the tale of woe. We should not permit ease and indulgence to contract our affections, and wrap us up in a selfish enjoyment; but we should accustom ourselves to think of the distresses of human, life, of the solitary cottage; the dying parent, and the weeping orphan. Nor ought we ever to sport with pain and distress in any of our amusements, or treat even the meanest insect with wanton cruelty."Hugh Blair

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

IRAN: USA’s Military Action Will Spark Disaster

Iran: U.S. military action in Syria would spark 'disaster'
By Ben Brumfield and Joe Sterling, CNN
August 28, 2013 -- Updated 1634 GMT (0034 HKT)

"Starting this fire will be like a spark in a large store of gunpowder, with unclear and unspecified outcomes and consequences," Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told Iranian Cabinet members in Tehran on Wednesday.

"The West handles the Islamic world the way a monkey handles a grenade," Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said on Twitter.

"The U.S. threats and possible intervention in Syria is a disaster for the region and if such an act is done, certainly, the Americans will sustain damage like when they interfered in Iraq and Afghanistan."
President Hassan Rouhani, also speaking to the Cabinet, said people in the Middle East and the world won't accept "a new war" and deplored threats to use force.

"Any adventurism in the region will pose irreparable dangers to the stability of the region and the world and will merely lead to the spread of extremism and terrorism in the region," Rouhani said.
He called on the U.N. inspectors to carry out unbiased investigations to identify the culprits behind the chemical weapons use in Syria, and said, "Each and every measure should be taken with respect to the sensitive situation of the region, rapid ending of the internal crisis, and prevention of extremism in the region and in the framework of the international rules and regulations."

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif likened a possible attack to a return to "the Middle Ages."
Zarif condemned any possible military intervention in Syria on Wednesday, warning of "graver conditions" should strikes be carried out.

Full article:

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

WORLD AT THE BRINK…again! (Israel war dogs to bomb Syria)

Whenever and if ever you are marked by USA; it will not stop until it gets you. This alleged chemical weapon use had been USA’s so called red line for Syria something Assad knew and would not be stupid enough to cross but hey…what if Israel did fire the shot or USA’s terrorist allies stole it from Assad’s weapons depot; you know those weapons sites that were bombed by Israel inside Syria? I want Assad to go but not in the most evil of ways. It is Palestine, it is Iraq and it is Libya all over again. Syrians who can run should start running now because Iran will not allow Assad to fall. Iran would rather turn Damascus into a battle ground rather than wait for Israel war dogs to come marching into Tehran. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Israel Turning Mosque into a Synagogue…

Israel to turn historic mosque into synagogue

The Israeli army has taken full control of a historic mosque in al-Quds (Jerusalem) to turn it into a synagogue, in what has been considered the latest measures by Tel Aviv to Judaize the Muslim city.

Muslims are banned from entering the mosque, which is located in the village of An-Nabi Samuel in the northwest of al-Quds.

The mosque was built in the 18th century and is an important holy site for Palestinians.

The Israel regime occupied half of the mosque and transformed it into a synagogue in 1994 when the 
Palestinian Authority lost control of the region. 

Full article:

Saturday, August 24, 2013


It cannot be denied that the “Pork Barrel” does a lot of good to many poor Filipinos and of course a lot of profit to corrupt officials and to some enterprising evil minded private individuals who invented bogus NGOs and bogus foundations. You need not be a rocket scientist to see how this kind of racket works; a bogus NGO/Foundation funnels back to the congressman/senator the pork with obviously prearranged agreement on how to share the juicy fat…yuck!

If you can remove the profit that goes to the corrupt and the evil geniuses that invents the NGOs and Foundations and retain the “lot of good that goes to the poor;” the pork barrel fund will have served its purpose. It is exactly what the government plans to do. A member of the house recommends to the government his/her pet projects that will benefits his/her constituents and the government agencies involve approve/disapprove and implement/deny without any single cent passing through the office of the house member. Abad in the following piece of news defends why the President’s Pork should not be abolished. I recommend everyone to read it because I don’t think many of us really understands where the president’s pork goes. 
Abad defends retention of President’s pork | Inquirer News:

Abad defends retention of President’s pork
The budget chief backed the lump sum nature of the presidential pork, saying it is needed to allow the Palace to respond promptly to “emergency situations.”
Included in the presidential pork funds are:
·         Calamity fund for typhoon victims
·         Contingency fund for overseas Filipino workers affected by unrest abroad
·         Money for emergency response by the police and the military
·         Pension funds
·         Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) of LGUs
·         Debt servicing
“It is not practical for the executive branch to go to Congress during an emergency situation to get the appropriate budget that’s why special funds are created in the budget,” he said.
Abad appealed to those “claiming to be experts on the budget” to stop putting the President in bad light by muddling the issue on the abolition of the pork barrel system.

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Friday, August 23, 2013


I have always suspected from the very beginning why the freedom of information (FOI) act is not being passed: it is like a criminal passing laws that will look into its criminal activities. With the burning issue of the “Pork Barrel” scum; I have at least proven to myself that my suspicion was right.
Don’t abolish the “Pork Barrel” but pass the Freedom of Information Act. The media will have a field day in the future. They will be the vanguard of the people to make sure that every cent of tax payer’s money especially the IRA goes rightly to where it is supposed to be spent but there is a catch: do we have a media of unquestionable integrity. Do we have enough people in the media to police both the national and local government units? Some of the people in the media will fall to bribery, some to bullets but there are dedicated people out there who are willing to take the risk. I say again; don’t abolish the Pork but pass the Freedom of Information Act. I think with the threat of abolishing the “Pork”; both houses will now pass the bill…it’s a win-win solution. 

Legarda, Sotto turn backs on PDAF, Chiz wants it abolished
August 22, 2013 10:56 pm

TWO senators on Wednesday said they will no longer use their Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) even as their colleague filed a bill that will do away with the PDAF for good.
Senators Vicente Sotto 3rd and Loren Legarda said they will not wait for Congress or the President to abolish the PDAF because they have decided not to touch their share of thepork barrel.

“Whether they abolish it or not, I will no longer avail of my PDAF starting next year and thereafter,” Sotto said.

Legarda too said she will forego her PDAF until her term ends in 2019.

Full article:

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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Nishreen's Golden Kata

When she told me barely a month ago that she wanted to continue her karate lessons that she has started in summer; I thought it was only a childish passing fancy. Several weeks later, she came home with her first Gold medal; oops…one of many since she has been collecting medals from the tender age of five when she first entered school. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I was curious…what a “Mini PC” is

I was scanning an online store page of that I received in my e-mail when I came upon an unusual product (to me at least) called a “Mini PC.” I said, “What?” Technology had reduced the size of my PCs (desktop/laptop/tablet) to a size smaller than my palm? I was so curious that in few clicks; I have ordered 2 products since I have already registered to the company days earlier. I got an e-mail the following day that the products are on the way. I realize later that I should have checked YouTube for a demo which I just did. It’s actually an Android TV stick that converts your TV into a smart TV. Imagine your android 3’ phone or your 7’ android tablet suddenly growing up to a 32 inches monster (if your TV is 32 inches or bigger) and the price is generously cheap; 199 Saudi Riyals (54 US$). Few weeks ago; Google announced a product they will sell for 30 dollars the size of an USB memory stick called “Chromecast” that will likewise convert your TV into a monitor for your smart phone, tablet and laptop with your gadgets acting like a remote. For Android Mini PC; you need to buy a wireless mouse and wireless keyboard; gadgets that most people already have. It is predicted that future laptops will sell cheaply without Microsoft’s expensive Window OS but it will run on Google’s free Android OS.

REPORTER'S NOTEBOOK: The Upper and Lower House of PIGS

Senator Lacson in 2003 not 2013: We now must move to abolish the pork barrel system. We must see its end during our watch without need to mourn its loss. It is a virus of corruption that must die.”

“There is nothing in the pork barrel system that gives us pride. There is only everything that makes us hide in shame.”

Monday, August 19, 2013

Bible Isaiah 42: Muhammad's biography in a Nutshell (3)

Isaiah 42: In his law, the Islands will put their hope…Let the desert and its towns raise their voices; Let the settlements where Kedar lives rejoice. Let the people of Selah sing for joy. Let them shout from the mountaintops; let them give glory to the Lord and proclaim his praise in the Islands. The Lord will march out like a mighty man, like a warrior he will stir up his zeal, with a shout, he will raise the battle cry and will triumph over his enemies.”

Isaiah 42: the Prophet's Biography in a Nutshell (2)

Isaiah 42:1 “Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one whom I delight; I will put my spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nation.
He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the street. A bruised reed he will not break and smoldering wick he will not snuff out.

In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on Earth.

Isaiah 42: The Prophet's Biography in the Bible

In the same vein as when I discovered the Beast 666 (U.N. Resolution 666/1990) and the New Jerusalem (Mecca/1994); it likewise gave me Goosebumps when I read Isaiah 42. It is a very concise prophecy of the Life-biography of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.). It matters not if you are a Muslim or a Christian watching this…Be the Judge!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Sorry World; Philippine is a Singing Nation

The Philippine conquest of the “World Championship of the Performing Arts” is complete as in they took it all. Sorry world; the Philippines is a singing nation.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

President Putin Face the Press...

I have always been an admirer of Vladimir Putin since he came into the limelight when years ago; the ailing Boris Yeltsin anointed him his successor.  He was then the chief of the KGB. While 007 is the west’s favorite super-agent in the make-believe world; Putin (KGB) is my favorite James Bond in the real world not only because he is a look-alike of Daniel Craig (current James Bond) but because of the role he is playing in the real world to rein in the Beast of Empire (USA). Watch this 25 minutes “Putin face the press” at the RT headquarters and you will be convinced that my admiration for the man is not misplaced.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

BIBLE: Muhammad is God’s Chosen One

Isaiah 42:1 “Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one whom I delight; I will put my spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nation. He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the street. A bruised reed he will not break and smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on Earth. In his law, the Islands will put their hope…Let the desert and its towns raise their voices; Let the settlements where Kedar lives rejoice. 


I like to keep this in my blog because it is exactly how I saw it live on TV as it unfolded. It was a Friday in Saudi Arabia and I just sort of opened the TV as soon as I got out of bed. Immediately; I dialed my wife in Manila and told her to watch the News ASAP. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

3 Drives that Account for the Most Expensive Achievements in Human History

Quote: Take the Pyramids, which are “basically expensive tombstones,” Tyson says. The praise of deity or royalty also got us the great cathedrals of Europe. We’re not investing the same portion of our wealth and energy in churches nowadays…”

Not Quite Right: This guy is one of the great minds of our times. If you love or simply show interests in Science then you recognize his face anyway; I agree that humanity’s great achievements are spurred by one reason or another and one of those reasons is belief in a deity, gods and God that led to the building of massive monuments and the art that withstood the ravages of time. In the above quote; “We’re not investing the same portion of our wealth and energy in churches nowadays…” he is obviously ignorant of Islam. The Saudi government has been continuously spending billions for Mecca and Medina and in the latest projects; the government will spend 80 billion Saudi Riyals (22 billion dollars) for the expansion of Haram Mosque and 62 billion Saudi Riyals (17 billion dollars) for the city’s transport system. That is a whooping 39 billion dollars :-) for a place of worship of God. It is more than half the entire budget of my country for a year. 


Monday, August 12, 2013

Obama reassessing relations with Putin’s Russia…

This is what USA gets when it closely associates with the wrong kind of people. It eventually gets infected by the viral demon that consumes a race. Not only is USA infected by Israel’s obsession with security paranoia; it adopted Israel’s means of defensive methods like rendition, killing people for the crime of thought meaning you can be killed by merely thinking of opposing the gods in the White House and with the advent of killer machines; it got the tools to kill anyone anywhere on the planet. You can run but you cannot hide.  Either torture them or kill them; Israel’s way is the American way. What Israel does to oppress the Palestinians; USA does to the American people and the rest of the world.

Israel has absolutely corrupted USA’s leaders by implanting in their minds that if Israel is the chosen that cannot be wrong; USA is the bigger version of it so USA goes around telling people that we are right and all the rest are wrong. Either you are with us; the chosen or you are with the enemy meaning everyone else that refuses to see it our way. 

“Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.”

PressTV - Obama says US pausing to reassess relations with Russia:

Obama says US pausing to reassess relations with Russia

US President Barack Obama says the United States is pausing to reassess relations with Russia, amid what he called ‘backward’ thinking by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Moscow’s adoption of a more anti-US attitude.

Obama said there are a number of other issues of concern such as emerging differences around Syria and around human rights, besides the recent extradition spat over American intelligence leaker Edward Snowden. 

"Frankly, on a whole range of issues where we think we can make some progress, Russia has not moved," Obama said during a White House press conference. "I've encouraged Mr. Putin to think forward rather than backwards on those issues with mixed success."

Please read article:

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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Fox News Hostile Interview of Author Reza Aslan Backfired…

90% of widely read books about Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) are written by Jews and Christians most of which are not only hostile but based on academic rubbish and lies read by likewise hostile audiences that believe the intellectual garbage. It reminds me of an article I read early in college where an author obviously pretending to be knowledgeable whose article was published in a popular magazine wrote that Muslims do not eat pork because they worship the beast. Huh! What garbage; what ignorance!

While Jews and Christians like to write about Islam and the Prophet of Islam with hostile intent; Muslims rarely if ever do write about Jesus and Christianity. Here comes one with unquestionable academic background writing with respect about Jesus that will make many Christian writers of late feel shamed causing a firestorm for one and only one reason; he is a Muslim.

“Why you a Muslim is writing about Jesus” was Fox’s News host first hostile question. Reza Aslan is writing about Jesus as an academician in the same light as he writes about Islam, Hinduism, Judaism and other religions and not in the light of his religious background but thanks to Fox and the uproar…his book is becoming a best seller phenomenon; Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth.

The Fox News hostile interview of Reza Aslan backfired on Fox that catapulted Azlan’s book from number 8 on a Friday to number 1 spot on Sunday at; just a day in between :-)

Reza Aslan (Persian: رضا اصلان‎; born May 3, 1972) is an Iranian-American writer and scholar of religions. He is an Associate Professor of Creative Writing at the University of California, Riverside, a Research Associate at the University of Southern California Center on Public Diplomacy, and a contributing editor for The Daily Beast. His books include the international bestseller No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam, which has been translated into 13 languages, and Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, which offers an interpretation of the life and mission of the historical Jesus.

Aslan's family came to the United States from Tehran in 1979, fleeing the Iranian Revolution. He grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. At the age of 15 he converted to evangelical Christianity.[5] He converted back to Islam the summer before attending Harvard.[6] In the early 1990s, Aslan taught courses at De La Salle High School in Concord, California.

HEIAN SHODAN by Karatenish (Nishreen)

Watch Nishreen’s  (Karatenish) 1 1/2 minutes ‘kata.’ I never thought she would be that intense and comparatively very well versed with what she does than her co-level Yellow Belt boys. This is a girl who doesn't take life for granted. Everything she does; she does with total dedication :-)

Saturday, August 10, 2013


When YouTube removed the program to download that also gave you the choice to choose your format; it was disappointing but even then before that…I can’t edit the downloaded YouTube video. It doesn’t appear whenever I drag it to my movie-maker anyway; I found this program that does not only download any video in the net; it allows you to edit it. This is an 8 minutes YouTube video that I shortened to 4 minutes and put captions for emphasis. 

Friday, August 9, 2013


Quote: “It’s time for Americans to stop taking order from the Jews. You will be called an anti-Semite if you do but your children will call a coward if you don’t.”

I highly recommend this 5 minutes video to those who care to understand on what is going on in the Middle East and how it impacts the world. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

23 YEARS OLD VIDEO: the fun of preserving mementos…

If you have betamax or VHS tapes; it must have been spoiled by now I mean whenever a new technology comes along…the old one dies and forgotten as in dead and buried. Living in the tropics easily spoils tapes with molds.  In this part of Saudi Arabia where I live and work; the weather although it is cool most of the year is very dry. The video-tapes I took of my family are preserved for many years and when I took it back to the Philippines; I wrapped it in plastic always careful not to open it during rainy season when the humidity is dump.

The advent of digital technology that allows us to take pictures and videos for as frequent as we inhale air; we tend to ignore preserving it. Mark my word; 20 years from now…you will not have any of the videos you take today that you wish you have preserved. Make it a habit to keep your files in an external disc because no one keeps a laptop/desktop and cell phone for 20 years and beyond. No personal gadget lasts that long.