Tuesday, April 16, 2013

“JIHADIST” like "ASSASSIN" of Arabic origin is now a universal word...

The “WAR ON TERROR” is an industry that has grown so big; you can’t simply turn it off or so many people will be out of work. With “Al Qa’eda decimated or nearly annihilated; the USA’s government is in a quandary to find a substitute focus if only to keep the war on terror alive and keep the industry going. To prove my point: I read several days back of the series of killings in a state in USA that involved freed prisoners that are suspected of bent on taking vengeance upon public officials that put them in jail. What shocked me was the use of the word “Jihadists” to refer to these avenging prisoners who believed they are either unfairly punished for a minor crime or totally innocent of the crime they were imprisoned for.  The word “Jihadist” is of course associated with Muslims so that even me; that was what entered my mind. Maybe these are Muslims I thought but I wanted to be sure so I re-read the article. There was one name associated with the founder of the group that sounded like Hasseem or Naseem or something but the word Muslim was nowhere mentioned in the article so why Jihadist? I think the word is taking on a new universal meaning like the word “assassin” of similar Arabic origin. The evolution of the war on terror and all the technological paraphernalia that it gave birth to is coming home to USA; “chickens are coming home to roost” meaning have a taste of what your government does to other people.
Whether ‘Kim Jong-un” of NK is a worthy replacement for ‘OBL’ remains to be seen but hey; the boyish ‘Kim Jong-un’ has millions willing to kill and die for him not to mention triggers for few if not several nuclear bombs. That alone makes ‘Osama BL’ looks like a decommissioned cartoon character.

US turns to domestic extremism as new counterterrorism focus

While insisting that al-Qaeda has been “shattered” as an anti-US threat, American officials are reportedly struggling to invent a new ‘counterterrorism’ policy, with domestic extremists mentioned as the new focus.

“The threat from al-Qaeda and the potential for a massive coordinated attack on the United States may be diminished, but the jihadist movement is more diffuse,” said Director of US National Intelligence James Clapper at a congressional hearing Thursday as quoted in a Los Angeles Times report on Monday. 

“Lone wolves, domestic extremists and jihad-inspired affiliated groups are still determined to attack Western interests,” he reportedly added during a testimony at the House Intelligence Committee hearing. 


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  1. sometimes it is also good to have a taste of your own cuisine...;-)

    1. Precisely not to mention the recent Boston Bombings. The brother suspects were radicalized the American way having both lived and grew up in USA. I felt very sad for the brothers as much as I felt sad for the victims and their families.
