Saturday, April 13, 2013

Iran's Latest Fake Invention Is a Time Machine...

Huh! TIME TRAVEL is actually easier than we think and the reason we can’t make it is because we are looking in the wrong direction of fantastic science when there is nothing fantastic about it. All the genuine prophets traveled in time and both the Qur’an and the Bible are full of it but these are holy books that science looked down with contempt. If TIME TRAVEL is not possible; Jesus second coming will remain to be a myth that will never happen. It is the knowledge that Jesus will bring to our time that will end the world as we know it…


Iran's Latest Fake Invention Is a Time Machine That Fits in Your Computer
By Alexander Abad-Santos | The Atlantic Wire – Thu, Apr 11, 2013

After mastering the art of drones (by way of Photoshop) and the science of sending a monkey (that was not real) into space, the latest technological breakthrough out of Iran has arrived: Ali Razeghi, a 27-year-old scientist in Tehran, claims to have invented a "time machine"—and now the only thing stopping him is the fear that China will make crappy versions of it. "The reason that we are not launching our prototype at this stage is that the Chinese will steal the idea and produce it in millions overnight," Razeghitells The Telegraph, which picked up the story from Iran's state-run Fars News Agency. 

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