Thursday, April 18, 2013

Huh! Is USA under attack…again?

As Israel’s “Mossad” influences if not take over the incompetent FBI’s investigation of the “Boston Bombings;” we can almost predict what direction it will take: towards the Middle East. Israel will suggest and produce imagined proofs and fake evidence to prevail upon their FBI students that Iran…yeah; Iran (it used to be PLO then HAMAS then Al Qa’eda and now Iran and NK) was responsible. Once upon a time; there were “box cutters terrorists” that magically brought down the twin towers and the Pentagon and now we have “Pressure Cooker Terrorists.” The Israel Intelligence will conveniently make the connection between the Pressure cooker, the intercepted poisoned letters to Obama and the Texas massive explosions. I wonder why nobody in the media is saying what caused the massive explosions in Texas that like the explosions in Boson killed and injured many. Are they also waiting for the Israeli geniuses to connect all the dots and say yeah; how can we all be dumb: America is under attack. This is a false flag operation that has been late in coming predicted by every cyber world pundit. 


“When it comes to events like this, all of us are one family. We feel a part of the people who paid such a high price. God bless them,” Peres said. “Today the real problem is terror, and terror is not an extension of policy: Their policy is terror, their policy is to threaten. Terrorists divide people, they kill innocent people. (At 90; Peres is probably the oldest surviving Israel’s terrorist)

Israeli police head to US to aid in Boston Marathon bombing investigation
Published time: April 17, 2013 16:11

The investigation into Monday’s deadly bombing at the Boston Marathon has officially gone international: law enforcement officials from Israel have been sent to the United States to assist in the probe.

Israel Police Chief Yohanan Danino says he has dispatched officials to Boston, Massachusetts, where they will meet with Federal Bureau of Investigation agents and other authorities, the Times of Israel Reports.

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