Monday, March 4, 2013

WHO BUILT THE MOON: An Interview With Christopher Knight

Not only do we owe our existence and well being to the moon; our continuing existence will depend on how we safeguard the moon. “The moon is cleft asunder and the sun rises from its place of setting” meaning according to the Qur’an; a cosmic object will hit the moon; break it asunder and deflect it towards the sun and be lost forever. Whatever it is that shattered the moon will come hurtling towards earth and smash out planet. The impact will be so strong that the sun will rise in the west meaning earth’s axis rotation will be reversed.  The scientific community should listen to the Qur’an or else…we are doomed.

I tend to agree with the author of this book except his conclusion that time traveling humans most probably built the moon. He seems to have contradicted himself because for humans to progress to a point in time that he is able to build time machines that can send him billions of years back in time; he has to first live in a perfect earth-moon condition that brings us to the paradox of who came first; the chicken or the egg. I believe that aliens rebuilt (not built from scratch) the moon to make earth not only habitable for intelligent beings like us but to make it close to being like the Garden of Eden.  I also believe that the dinosaurs did not die a natural death. It is very possible that aliens killed them off to prepare the ground for the coming of man. Comparatively; Earth is heaven compared to other planets in our solar system. If you are a creature intelligent or not living on Mars, Venus, Mercury or the dwarf planet Pluto …would you not like to migrate to planet Earth?

Who Built the Moon? An Interview with Christopher Knight


 ND: Your conclusion is there are more than enough anomalies about the Moon to suggest it is not a naturally occurring body and was quite possibly engineered to sustain life on Earth. How did you reach this conclusion?

CK: Not only is the Moon an apparently impossible object, it has some unique benefits for us humans. It has been nothing less than an incubator for life. If the Moon was not exactly the size, mass and distance that it has been at each stage of the Earth’s evolution – there would be no intelligent life here. Scientists are agreed that we owe everything to the Moon.

It acts as a stabiliser that holds our planet at just the right angle to produce the seasons and keep water liquid across most of the planet. Without our Moon the Earth would be as dead and solid as Venus.

ND: If the Moon is an artificial construct, what are your theories on who or what built it, and why?

CK: In Who Built the Moon? we explain that we could not come to any other conclusion than the Moon is artificial. Because it is certain that it is 4.6 billion years old that raises some interesting points. Another factor was the obvious message that has been built into the Moon to tell us it’s artificial. The language of the message is base ten arithmetic so it looks as though it is directed to a ten digit species that is living on Earth right now – which seems to mean humans.

The question of why the Moon had to be built is easy to answer: To produce all life, especially humans. As to who did it – well that’s a lot tougher! We give the three possibilities we can think of, namely: God, aliens or humans. The only one of these that is 100% scientifically possible is the last one. Time travel is universally accepted as being physically possible and a number of scientists are close to sending matter back in time. We can envisage that machines could be built in the future that could be sent back to remove matter from the young Earth to construct the Moon – probably using mini black hole technology.


'via Blog this'

1 comment:

  1. another scifi theme...? i'd love to watch it come to life on screen but not with the old techs and plots that we are used to...i wonder how it would be like...:-)

    but then again...who knows??? :-)
