Saturday, March 30, 2013

USA’s Perpetual Wars: next target... NORTH KOREA

It is very logical that as war with Iran fades into a distant possibility and war in Afghanistan winds down; USA must find a major war to fight. USA’s skirmishes with freedom fighters (remnants of Al Qae’da) around the world cannot sustain the arm industry that gives the American people work and feeds a chunk of the USA’s population. The arm industry remains the largest non-governmental employer of the American people after most of its major industries have outsourced its productions to third world countries where cheap labor is plentiful. Did you know for instance that not a single product of Apple’s (Apple computers, iPhones, iPads and iPods) is made in USA? I was virtually laughing a moment ago when a report on CNN says that the USA’s government spent 12 billion dollars trying to build a speed train promised by Obama but the best they could manage after 4 years and 12 billion dollars was 10 minutes faster between states and that is due to railway repairs :-) It’s okay to laugh...

I will not be completely wrong if I say that when Obama killed OBL; he killed the goose that lays the golden egg for the USA's arm industry.

Russia, China warn US against military drills near N Korea

Russia and China have strongly rejected increasing military activities by the US on the Korean peninsula, warning that the escalating tensions could destabilize the entire region.

According to a statement released by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Friday, “It worries us…. There are unilateral actions taken against North Korea that are demonstrated by increasing military activity. We may simply let the situation slip out of control and this will spiral into a vicious cycle.” 


This comes after North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, ordered rocket units to be on standby at an overnight emergency meeting with the country’s top army commanders. 

The North Korean leader said that the forces should “mercilessly strike the US mainland..., military bases in the Pacific, including Hawaii and Guam, and those in South Korea.” 

Kim’s order came after the United States on Thursday flew two nuclear-capable B2 stealth bombers over South Korea to conduct “deterrence” mission. 

Full article:

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