Sunday, March 17, 2013

Qur’an staggering truth: “ISLAM WILL OVERCOME ALL OTHER DEEN (faith)”

Those that fears Islam have all the reason to worry and be very afraid. Christian evangelists that have for decades virtually waged war against Islam are one by one succumbing to age and fading into oblivion without accomplishing their mission. They failed miserably because the more they attack Islam calling it names from being an evil religion and women beaters to blood thirsty terrorist; it achieved the opposite because with technology that made knowledge just a click away…the truth of Islam spreads unstoppable like a wildfire. Your lies and falsehood cannot win against the truth. Thank you ex-president Bush and your “neocons of evil knights” for 9/11 because without it; knowledge of Islam would not have boomed the way it did like a nuclear bomb whose echo continue to circle around the globe. Whatever was your evil cause crumbled with the twin towers. You have to admit that God is a better planner [Qur’an] :-) 

(18 minutes stunning video)

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