
Sunday, March 24, 2013

ISHMAEL AND ISAAC: Beautiful part of the story you are not told…

I recommend that Muslims read the Book of Genesis of the Old Testament Bible. There, you will find the full story of Prophet Abraham and his sons, Ishmael and Isaac (May peace be upon them all). Ishmael (a.s.) had 12 sons who founded the 12 tribes of the Ishmaelite, where the Arabs in the region are descended, and he had a daughter as well. Interestingly, Isaac had twin sons, Esau and Jacob. Esau, the elder of the two, was supposed to be his father’s inheritor. Still, Jacob, with the help of his mother, deceived the blinded (due to age) Isaac by pretending to be Esau and got the blessing of inheritance instead. Afraid of what Esau might do to his younger twin, the mother sent him to her brother in what is now Iraq for refuge. Jacob married his 2 sister cousins and their 2 servants (4 wives), and when his uncle/father–in–law became old, he stole his herd and properties, escaped with his 4 wives, and returned to Canaan (Palestine). I should mention here that the Bible story also tells us that Hagar went to Egypt and got Ishmael, a wife; Sarah got Isaac, a wife from Ur (Iraq).

Remember the story of Joseph…? Jacob’s elder sons dropped their younger brother Joseph into a well to drown him and told their father that he was devoured by wolves, and these are the brothers that became the forefathers of the Jews. Fortunately, an Ishmaelite caravan fished the boy out of the well and brought him to Egypt.

There is a very interesting part of the story that you won’t hear Jews and Christians talk about. In fact, you won’t know the story unless you read the Bible.

After Esau discovered that his brother had stolen his inheritance and had escaped to what is now Iraq, he went to Paran/Hijaz (Mecca) and told his Uncle Ishmael what his brother had done. Ishmael comforted his heartbroken nephew and asked him to stay. He gave his daughter’s hands to Esau in marriage. Yes, folks, this is the story you probably never heard. Esau, the elder son and true inheritor of Isaac and the one and only brother of Jacob (who gave rise to the 12 tribes of Israel), was Ishmael’s son-in-law. The Jews are 100% true-blooded Iraqis. It was most probably the reason why Nebuchadnezzar when he conquered Jerusalem, gathered the Jews and brought them back to Babylon/Iraq, where they truly belonged. Only when King Cyrus of Persia conquered Babylon did he allow the Jews to return to Jerusalem. Ironically, as we speak, Israel wants to bomb Persia/Iran to kingdom come: the historical liberator of the Jews.


1 comment:

  1. no wonder their hatred of one another...sibling rivalry indeed could prove poisonous at times...
