Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Geert Wilders Party Member; Arnoud van Doorn, Accepts Islam...

Geert Wilder is probably Europe’s most anti-Muslim politician in fact his political party thrives on this hate. Anti-Muslim nations like USA and Israel welcome him like a head of state whenever he is invited to deliver ( like a rabid dog) his anti-Islam/anti-Muslim rhetoric but as the Qur’an says; the enemies (of Islam) plan and God also plans but God is a better planner.” When 9/11 happened; everybody wants to know about Islam and with the advent of the internet/web that brought knowledge/information at our finger tips…knowledge of Islam boomed like a nuclear explosion. Technology is the engine that is propelling the 2nd rise of Islam the first being the first few centuries of its birth when Islam’s Empire of Faith conquered most of Asia, North Africa and parts of Europe. 

An afterthought: It is in Netherland (Dutch) where thousands of Christians petitioned the church to debaptize or dechristianize them. I laughed! It was the first time I ever heard of such…

Geert Wilders Party Member, Arnoud van Doorn, Accepts Islam
March 6, 2013 By Al Hittin
Far-right Dutch Politician Finds Islam (OnIslam)
- By OnIslam & News Agencies


New Beginning

Doorn’s decision to embrace Islam has won mixed reactions in the Netherlands.
“According to some people I am a traitor, but according to most others I have actually made a very good decision,” he told Aljazeera.

“The reactions are generally positive and I also received quite some support via twitter.
“It feels good that people who do not know me personally have understanding of my situation and support me in my choice.”

For the Dutch politician, finding Islam was finally guiding him to the true path in his life.
“I have made mistakes in life as many others. From these mistakes I have learned a lot,” Doorn said.
“And by my conversion to Islam I have the feeling that I finally found my path.

“I realize that this is a new start and that I still have much to learn as well.”

Departing from his earlier life as a PVV member, Doorn expects much resistance in his political life.
“The expectation is that I will continue to face much resistance, also from certain government institutions,” he said.

“I have all faith in Allah to support me and to guide me through these moments.”

Please read full article:

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