Tuesday, February 26, 2013

MIND-BOGGLING TRUTH: Qur’an vs. Scientific American (I’m still in shock)

...you can only be what Allah has decreed (destined) you to be.

My skin crawled while I was reading a certain topic of the March issue of Scientific American because it reminded me of a Qur’an verse referring to individual’s “BOOK OF DECREES/BOOK OF LIFE” that we Muslims interpreted as predestination. It gave me Goosebumps because scientists are now able to transcript our genetic make-up even before an individual is born through the pregnant mother’s blood mixed with the father’s saliva.

The transcript of your gnome (DNA) is your “Qur’an Book of Decrees/Book of Life” at the time of your birth that will determine the color of your skin/eyes/hair, intelligence and your health. In short...the future of your entire life is precisely prerecorded just the way the Qur’an says it would be and you can have a copy of your child’s book of life for a price. It’s mind boggling; it gave me Goosebumps.

Beware the Destiny Test

Unborn children will soon have their genes mapped. Without proper guidance for parents, the tests could prove calamitous


Any woman who undergoes such a test will quickly learn that there is no such thing as a perfect baby. Parents will encounter hundreds and, as the science progresses, thousands of instances in which a particular variant of a gene may statistically suggest (but not guarantee) their child’s future. Will the child-to-be one day suffer from melanoma or diabetes? What about obsessive-compulsive disorder? Moreover, clues will emerge in whole genome scans about not only health prospects but personality as well—whether she is likely to become an introvert or be able to carry a tune or star in high school sports. Whole-genome scans will tell parents a story about a particular future for their child—a future that those parents may not be rooting for.

March 2013


Qur’an: ‘No calamity befalls on your selves but is inscribed in the book of decrees before we bring it into existence...’ (Qur’an 57:22-23)

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): ‘Once the fetus is formed in the womb, an angel is sent to blow the soul into the fetus and is ordered to record four matters: its sustenance, life span, deeds and whether he will be lucky or unlucky.’

‘...and know that if the whole world were to join hands in order to benefit you with something, they couldn’t benefit you except what Allah already wrote for you and if they join together to harm you, they wouldn’t be able to harm you except by what Allah ordained for you. The pens are lifted and the inks have dried on the pages (of the preserved tablet) and (if I may add: on the transcripts of your gnome).


1 comment:

  1. Subhan'allah! Truly the Holy Quran is indeed the words of the Supreme! Allahu Akbar!
