Monday, February 18, 2013

ALIEN /UFO OR RUSSIA: who shot down the meteor…?

I have always suspected from the moment I saw on the news the meteor allegedly exploding before hitting the ground as weird news. Why would it explode for no reason except that earth’s alleged protective layers made it explode? Isn't that even weirder? It breaks big ones but not smaller meteors that we pick on the ground. Am I wrong to suspect that our so called protective atmosphere is in fact artificially engineered placed around earth specifically to yes; protect life on earth but who built it? Is it not possible that after the death of the Dinosaurs; our alien ancestors may have engineered a plan to protect earth and yes; shoot down meteors and asteroids big enough to cause massive damage? Unless Russia openly admit and demonstrate how they shot down an incoming meteor travelling at a tremendous speed; I WILL ASSUME THAT ALIENS SHOT IT DOWN. Watch this ½ minute video…

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