Sunday, December 9, 2012


Not only for some but among so many in the Philippines; apocalypse is an event of our daily lives. It came so soon for so many when Typhoon Sendong dragged its raging killer self in Cgayan de Oro and Iligan a year ago. For the latest victims in Mindanao; the end of the world came weeks earlier from December 21. For killer Typhoons to come around twice in a row in almost the same region of Mindanao and in the same dates is unheard of especially in a place where Typhoon is real rare if ever but oops; that is Mindanao. In other parts of the Philippines especially up north; apocalyptic typhoons, floods, earthquakes and landslides are our daily bread.

Whether the end of the world happens on December 21 or not; it already did for most Filipinos when blooded Marquez with a battered face and broken nose delivered the lucky apocalyptic punch one second before the end of the 6th round that put Paquiao to a momentary sleep. Whether it is Paquiao’s loss or Marquez’s win that is divinely ordained is for the pundits to debate for a long time and whether there will be a Paquiao vs Marquez V is a possibility that I like to see happen. You can’t have enough fun seeing these two guys tear each other apart.

China Joins End of World Fear Wagon
by Zen Gardner

Here it comes folks. Y2K on steroids for the uninformed. Climate of fear ripe to freak some unwary folks out, thanks to flame-fanning state media and belief-blinded religious types.

Stay on your toes. It’s not a time to worry. Enjoy the changes, they’re vibrational and we’re in it for the long haul -  and it’s all good – with a few bumps along the way, like earth changes and a war mongering cypotcracy trying muzzle and control us. Ha!

China fears end of the world is nigh

“China’s most famous book of prophecies, the 7th century Tui Bei Tu, makes no direct mention of the end of the world.

But in Sichuan province, panic buying of candles has swept through two counties in the fear that an ancient Mayan prediction that the world will end on December 21 proves to be true.

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