Tuesday, December 4, 2012


When PM Yitzhak Rabin was thought by many Israelis to be making peace (Oslo Accord) with Yasser Arafat; an Israel activist shot him dead. With that single shot; peace is dead maybe forever especially for the West Bank. With that shot; Israelis have declared unambiguously to the world that anyone who intends to give away what Israel activists deemed part of the Promised Land will likewise fall dead or alive.

When Ariel Sharon forced Israeli settlers in Gaza to abandon their makeshift settlements (unlike those push settlements in the West Bank); I suspected then and now that the Zionist’s eventual plan is for Gaza to be an independent Palestinian State in fact I suspected as well that the taking over of Gaza by HAMAS was clandestinely supported by some Zionists in Israel. They are probably hoping that HAMAS will declare Gaza as an Independent Palestine. Gaza is small but it has an access to the sea that makes it viable to be a state not to mention borders with Egypt. Comparatively; the West Bank is landlocked and far and away from Gaza. With more than a hundred (120) Israeli settlements in the West bank occupying scenic hills and the fertile valleys; it is hard to imagine that Israel will leave the same way they did from Gaza. These settlements are built like very expensive subdivisions in the west that make Palestinians dream if not salivate. Any Israeli leader who gives away the settlements in the West Bank will die by the hands of the settlers and any USA’s president who forces Israel to abandon the settlements will likewise die…better believe it. Some Jewish intellectuals are gunning for the assassination of Obama for not doing the insanity of attacking Iran. These people are bunch of crazies… 

Israeli settlement expansion plan receives global censure

Many countries, including Israel’s allies, have censured a plan by the Tel Aviv regime to construct thousands more illegal settler units in the occupied West Bank and East al-Quds (Jerusalem).

On November 30, Israel approved a plan to build 3,000 more units in East al-Quds and the West Bank, including in the controversial E1 area. 

The E1 project aims at connecting the West Bank settlement of Maale Adumim to East al-Quds, about six kilometers away. The plan will cut off the northern part of the West Bank from the south. 

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