Saturday, December 15, 2012

INFINITE UNIVERSE: Hubble Images Reveal 7 of the Most Distant Galaxies Ever Seen

This piece of science news seems quite innocently ordinary but I don’t think so because if you pause and put some thoughts into it; you find yourself at the border of the big bang. You are at the edge of the universe as we know it.

QUESTION: WHAT IF WE DEVELOP A TELESCOPE (actually there is that may go into space in the not so distant future (2018)) THAT IS FAR MORE POWERFUL THAN THE HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE…we discover the following:

…beyond our universe is an empty void that will disprove the “Multiverse Theory.”
…we see more universes beyond ours. How other universes looks from our vantage point is an exciting prospect. It will prove the “Multiverse Theory” to be correct.
…we see more galaxies without end meaning we live in an infinite universe with galaxies that goes on and on as far as “not as far as the eyes can see but as far as our telescopes can see” that will either proves the Big Bang theory wrong or the age of the universe wrong.

…just an exciting thoughts :-)

Shifty Sightings: Hubble Images Reveal 7 of the Most Distant Galaxies Ever Seen
The latest finds from Hubble date to just a few hundred million years after the big bang


More important to cosmologists, however, the new researchers identified not just one but seven objects that are most likely distant galaxies, all of which lie at redshift 8.5 or greater—that is, within 600 million years of the big bang. The results of the cosmic census may help researchers determine exactly what happened in the first billion years of cosmic history, when ultraviolet light from the earliest stars and galaxies ionized the hydrogen of the once-opaque intergalactic medium. The epoch of re-ionization, as it is known, effectively lifted a pervasive cosmic fog and left the universe in the transparent state that today allows us to observe objects billions of light-years away.


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