Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Khaddaffy’s murder is Assad’s savior: FRENCH ASSASSIN KILLED KHADDAFFY

It is no secret that the bombing of Libya was spearheaded by France that kept many people wondering the big why. Why the French overzealous enthusiasm for war unless it was meant to gain votes at the then upcoming French elections. Obviously; it has backfired because murderer Zarckozy lost the election. There was also the almost unbelievable rumor that Khadaffy financed Zarcko’s run for the presidency in 2007. The only way to end the rumor and burry the truth was to kill the direct source; kill Khaddaffy. Dead men tell no tales. French bombers were directly responsible for the strapping and bombing of Khaddaffy’s escape/getaway convoy that resulted into his capture/torture and murder. Ironically; Khadaffy’s downfall and murder have shielded Assad from meeting the same fate in Syria. NATO led by France’s overzealous for war in Libya has prevented similar “No-Fly-Zone” resolution from getting through the U.N. Security Council. Russia and China not wanting a repeat of western “deceptive no-fly-zone” in Libya have vetoed similar resolutions. Khaddaffy’s murder is Assad’s savior…

Like many American non-Jew Zionist; Zarckozy is a Zionist lover. His son is a Jewish convert married to a Jew. 

French secret agent killed Gaddafi on Sarkozy’s order: Report

Quoting Libyan sources, the paper said the secret agent killed Gaddafi on orders of Sarkozy in order to stop the Libyan ruler from revealing his suspicious links with him if interrogated.

Following NATO airstrikes on Libya, Gaddafi had openly threatened to reveal details of his relationship with the former French president. 

Sarkozy, who once welcomed Gaddafi as a 'brother leader' during a state visit to Paris, was said to have received 50 million euros from the Libyan despot to fund his election campaign in 2007. 

Meanwhile, Italian paper Corriere della Serra also reported that Libyan sources said a foreign assassin with French nationality was behind the killing. 

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