Thursday, September 27, 2012

UNCENSORED: K.S.A. and the “Innocence of Muslims”

UNCENSORED: K.S.A. and the “Innocence of Muslims”

We may differ in opinion on how best to respond to attacks against Islam with the likes of this rubbish of a movie unfortunately the damage has been done. It is partly our fault that we made the makers of the movie succeed in their goal probably beyond their dreams of success. We did not only make them famous; we turned them into heroes among a bunch of scheming bigots out there. Millions have watched it on YouTube because Muslims made too much fuss about it with the added bonus of many Muslims dead. They must be extremely happy; even if you hang them or chop them to pieces; they will still be smiling at the extent of their success. It is for them a dream comes true and they will do it again and again because now they know our weaknesses. Muslim leaders and scholars should convene a committee of experts to device ways and means on how best to respond in the future something that should have been done years ago when the same thing happened in response to that likewise stupid cartoonist.

I found it strange that KSA; the world’s kingdom of censor neither removed nor censored it in the net. Since the name “Mohammad” is irrefutably the world’s most common name; the character in the movie could be any Mohammad in fact this movie is meant to be a protest movie against the way Coptic Christians are treated in Egypt. This movie was made by an Egyptian Coptic Christian and it was dubbed into Arabic and broadcasted by a Coptic channel in Egypt where people picked it up. Had Muslims responded differently; this would have remained unknown probably watched by few hundred or few thousand just like any other anti-Islam movie on YouTube more despicable than the one in question. A non-Muslim who would have watched this movie would have just laughed not knowing that it is meant to be a satire insulting Islam had we not made too much noise over an insignificant comic movie on the other hand; had Muslims not responded in kind; these bigots will make it a habit of making the same rubbish.


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