Monday, September 24, 2012


The article is right; this ad will offend many Americans but not Muslims. It is actually poorly phrased I could have done it for them better LOL!

We have come to a point in time that because of the advent of alternate media; most Americans are no longer living in media zombie-land. If they for instance see 9/11 placed side by side with the photo of OBL; their reaction is to puke because they now know the truth. Their brain had been so bombarded 24/7 with falsehood; they feel like going out and kill somebody. They get so feed-up with Israel after sacrificing so many lives and going broke fighting wars for the Zionist state not to mention 9/11; Obama would rather meet with Letterman for few laughs than meet the warmongering Netanyahu.

This ad can no longer fool the American people. Israel can longer hide behind the charade of the holocaust because for one; we live in a different age where the memory of the holocaust has faded in time. Whenever we speak of the holocaust; what comes to mind is what we see on television now…the brutal oppression of the Palestinians by the demons of Israel. 

The war between the civilised man and the savage
A provocative ad which debuted last month in San Francisco is making its way to New York subways today.

The exception that hides the rule 

The second most visible aspect of this ad, immediately connected to the first, is its astonishing vulgarity. That vulgarity in effect and unwillingly mimics Zionism - stealing other people's homeland and crying uncle! By incitement to murder, by encouraging ethnic cleansing, by being associated with a vulgar Zionist who has been an inspiration to the European mass murderer, Anders Breivik, this ad stages a particular brand of American Zionism appropriately placed where usually advertisements for Calvin Klein underwear or "Gentlemen's clubs" and other similar commercials appear. 

By thus commercialising the Zionist cause, it places it squarely within the visual regime of loutish consumerism - where it now squarely belongs. It thrives on mimicking Zionism in its advanced stage of having wedded the ethnic cleansing of Palestine to the consumerist fetishism definitive to American militarism. 

But Americans and non-Americans alike baffled by the depth of this vulgarity in effect blind themselves to what this blatant vulgarity conceals and reveals at one and the same time.  

Full article:

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