Monday, September 10, 2012

Remembering the Monstrosities of 9/11…


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Take note of the street lights still standing at the above center photo. It is impossible for a jetliner to hit the Pentagon ground-level without knocking down the lamp posts…IMPOSSIBLE. 

The evidence is overwhelming; I don’t see how even a small mind will see it differently. The American people know maybe not then but they know it now. Every September 11 of each year; America remembers and reassert the lie. Rarely if ever do they even acknowledge the aftermath of the beast going berserk that killed, disabled, orphaned and widowed millions of the innocents and destroyed Muslim nations almost beyond repair. These are nations who had nothing to do (Iraq/Afghanistan) of the events of 9/11; absolutely nothing. They cannot even charge the only man (OBL) they accused of masterminding the event for lack of evidence. They just have to kill an unarmed old man to seal his lips forever; “Dead men tell no tales.”

The American people have to keep believing the lie to appease their sense of guilt and remorse because the aftermath is beyond the acceptable scope of evil they can live with.

How will their conscience ever come to level with the damage inflicted upon others for a lie that saw the destruction of Muslim nations; violent death and destruction of millions of the innocent men women and children that left behind millions of orphans and widows?

The events of 9/11 is mind-boggling-demonic it truly boggles the mind how its perpetrators can even sleep at night. It is pure evil; it is raw unfiltered evil. 


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