Saturday, August 4, 2012

Judge awards 9/11 families 6 billion $: WILL IRAN PAY (LOL)?

The lunatics have finally taken over the asylum. This is a case of double compensation (LOL) because Bush and his gang of “Neocons” who were the masterminds from beginning to end of the events of 9/11 already paid the families of their dead victims 4 million dollars for each dead in fact some conned the government by falsely reporting family members as dead and running away with the 4 million dollars loot. 
Including Iran in the judgment as guilty of 9/11 is not only hilarious; it showed the judge to be a clown trying to deliver a punch line that is not so funny unless he sees the events of 9/11 as a government joke; a joke that destroyed Muslim nations beyond repair and killed and maimed millions of the faithful that God (better believe it) will not let go unpunished. USA as we speak is under siege by the 4 elements of nature…

Judge awards 9/11 families $6 billion

NEW YORK, Aug. 1 (UPI) -- A New York City judge awarded $6 billion to the families of Sept. 11, 2001, terror attack victims in their lawsuit against al-Qaida and parties in Iran.

U.S. Magistrate Frank Maas' Monday ruling was the first to impose civil penalties against those responsible for the 2001 terror plot that killed nearly 3,000 people, the New York Daily News reported.

'via Blog this'

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