Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Israel’s ‘Bomb Iran’ Timetable

The world has been for quite sometimes; actually for many years predicting war with Iran that never came but this time; the chance is greater than ever for very obvious reason: USA’s election. If Netanyahu bombs Iran; Obama will jump in for a winning vote. American’s twisted sense of patriotism never voted out of office a war time president which is the reason why the attack will be timed shortly before the vote. Maybe; Americans this time will vote differently to show they are fools no longer (my wishful thinking) :-(

Bush to win re-election invaded Iraq so will Obama invade Iran. USA is an Empire that thrives on wars and destructions. For USA to think that bombing Iran from a distant will do the job must be laughably dreaming. USA is a beast that never learns from its past because for one; you can never foretell how a nation under assault will its people stand to defend territory most of all; its honor. If USA doesn’t invade Iran; Israel is finished unless either USA or Israel nukes Iran meaning if Iran has few hidden bombs somewhere must be prepared to use it as well. Israel must never ignore the possibility that when the USSR disintegrated; few bombs found its way to Iran. I read about it many years ago. 

Israel’s ‘Bomb Iran’ Timetable

By Ray McGovern

August 13, 2012 "Information Clearing House" --  More Washington insiders are coming to the conclusion that Israel’s leaders are planning to attack Iran before the U.S. election in November in the expectation that American forces will be drawn in. There is widespread recognition that, without U.S. military involvement, an Israeli attack would be highly risky and, at best, only marginally successful.

At this point, to dissuade Israeli leaders from mounting such an attack might require a public statement by President Barack Obama warning Israel not to count on U.S. forces — not even for the “cleanup.” Though Obama has done pretty much everything short of making such a public statement, he clearly wants to avoid a confrontation with Israel in the weeks before the election.

However, Obama’s silence regarding a public warning speaks volumes to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The recent pilgrimages to Israel by very senior U.S. officials — including the secretaries of state and defense carrying identical “PLEASE DON’T BOMB IRAN JUST YET” banners — has met stony faces and stone walls.
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