Saturday, July 7, 2012

US, Britain seek to foment World War III over Syria:

It is in the interest of Iran (my unbiased opinion) to turn Syria into a World War III main battle ground better than Tehran the same way that Iran battled the Empire in Baghdad and won that stopped the beast dead on its track towards Tehran. Iran’s aim is not to win but to halt the Empires march towards Tehran. Syria is a majority Sunni meaning in the ongoing battle between the two Islamic faiths; destruction of Syria is not Iran’s loss if it can be sacrificed to protect Iran. 

US, Britain seek to foment World War III over Syria: Analyst

The United States and Britain are seeking to wage the World War III by pushing efforts to launch a military offensive against Syria, an analyst tells Press TV.

“They’re [US, UK] determined to spark a war which would not just be a civil war in Syria, this would become a regional war and very quickly could escalate into a Third World War because it would lead to a confrontation with both Russia and China,” Edward Spannaus, an editor of the Executive Intelligence Review, said in an interview with Press TV.

On Friday, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned Russia and China about supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, saying that they will pay a price.

The analyst praised Russian President Vladimir Putin for opposing a military intervention in Syria because of severe consequences of the war in the region. 


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