Thursday, July 19, 2012


Hours after the bombing in Bulgaria where 7 Israelis and many others were wounded; Netanyahu accused Iran of being responsible. All major media outlet around the world carried Netanyahu’s TV finger pointing but not a single media organization including Al Jazeera give a backgrounder why Netanyahu would make such accusations against Iran. Israel/USA was responsible for the bombings inside Iran including the assassinations of Iran’s scientists. Iran promised to retaliate in kind unfortunately; this one turned out to be misplaced accusation although the basic reason is the same: vengeance.

One major reason why USA cannot close down “Guantanamo Bay Prison” is the almost certainty that those innocents they tortured if set free will kill the first American/Israeli they will find in the street anywhere in the world. Guantanamo will close if and only when the last of its tortured prisoners is dead.

The suicide bomber in Bulgaria was a Guantanamo x-prisoner that reminds me of Clint’s Unforgiven: “I WILL COME BACK AND KILL YOU ALL.”

Bulgarian press names bomber: Mehdi Ghezali

Terrorist said to have been a Swedish citizen with a history of Muslim extremist activities
July 19, 2012, 6:11 pm

Bulgarian media on Thursday named the suicide bomber who blew up a bus full of Israeli tourists, killing five Israelis and a local bus driver, in the Black Sea resort of Burgas on Wednesday as 36-year-old Mehdi Ghezali.
Ghezali reportedly arrived in Bulgaria five weeks before the bombing and arrived at the airport via taxi, Channel 2 reported. He was also reportedly given the bomb by someone else, but no further details were provided.

Ghezali has a Wikipedia page, which describes him as a Swedish citizen, with Algerian and Finnish origins. He had been held at the US’s Guantanamo Bay detainment camp on Cuba from 2002 to 2004, having previously studied at a Muslim religious school and mosque in Britain, and traveled to Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, it says. He was taken into custody on suspicion of being an al-Qaeda agent, having been arrested along with a number of other al-Qaeda operatives.

Please read full article:


by acson005 @, Friday, January 08, 2010, 11:56



If you have been tortured for years regardless of whether you did wrong or totally innocent as in…you find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time or have the misfortune of having similar name with one that uncle Sam wanted…will you not swear (while being tortured) in the name of God or what ever it is that you believe in that “IF YOU EVER GET OUT OF IT ALIVE…YOU WILL COME BACK AND KILL THE SONS OF B*T*HES?”

Why is it so difficult for U.S. of A. to accept the consequences of their acts? 

Vengeance is a human survival instinct and USA of all countries most signifies that animalistic instinct always willing to damn nations and people to kingdom come for vengeance.

USA cannot forever keep innocent people incarcerated (gitmo) for fear that they will re-join Al Qaida…WHAT AL QAIDA?

The word VENGEANCE should be the most appropriate post-gitmo word of the day but so far…I have not read nor hear anyone in USA say the word.


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