Thursday, June 21, 2012

ISLAM: An Evil Religion…?

ISLAM: An Evil Religion…?
Posted By: acson005 <Send E-Mail>
Date: Wednesday, 22 March 2006, 2:24 p.m.

(First posted at

Few days ago, I caught half of “NIGHTLINE” when an anchor asked the successor to Billy Graham if he had changed his mind about Islam being an evil religion. I didn’t catch his first name but I think; he is Billy Graham’s son.

The first time I heard an Evangelist and a famous one that said Islam is an evil religion was Pat Robertson of “700 Club.” I am sure not all Christians subscribe to that. These are men who are desperately in need of words to win converts to their flocks. These are men who are not only attacking Islam; they attack other Christian groups as well. My country is notorious for its inter-Christian faith wars. Funny; they fight openly on television attacking each other’s in their own channels. If you are a Christian and you do not belong to their particular flock, you are going to burn in hell. If you are NOT BORN AGAIN, there is no heaven for you.

Is Islam an evil religion?

Well, at least Islam has no history that is even remotely comparable to the “SPANISH INQUISITION” where millions of intellectuals and righteous men and women were burned at the stake in the name of Christianity.

Islam is not responsible for the colonial plunder, rape and slaughter of the natives of the world that the beasts of colonial empires labeled heathens needing spiritual indoctrination/conversion to the Christian faith. The Pope (John Paul II) apologized to the natives of South America for their forced conversion by Christian Europe’s Colonial powers holding the sword in one hand and the cross in the other.

Islam was not responsible for the HOLOCAUST that allegedly killed 6 million Jews and 32 million gentiles in the ensuing WWII although the Christian West made the Palestinian Arabs pay for a crime they have not committed. The POPE (John Paul II) before he died apologized for the SILENCE OF THE CHURCH and COMPLICITY of the Vatican during the holocaust and when the Serbians were slaughtering and raping Moslems in what had become known as Europe’s holocaust II, MILOSEVIC; Serbia’s president declared that he was doing it for Christian Europe. 

To this day; I have not heard of a Moslem preacher calls Christianity an Evil religion simply because of men like HITLER, MILOSEVIC and…BUSH.

Moslems are better in distinguishing between BEASTS among men against the backdrop of their religion something Christians are never good at.

ISLAM: universal religion

“Those who believe [in the QUR’AN] and those who follow the Jewish [scriptures] and the Christians and the Sabians; any who believe in Allah and the last day and work righteousness shall have their rewards with their Lord; on them shall be no fear nor shall they grieve.” QUR’AN 2:62



  1. i guess you know nothing of the history of islam then. they conquered and enslaved the entire middle east, persia, north africa, india, spain, southeast europe, really need to brush up on your history my freind.....

  2. Islam is an utterly depraved religion. It's the worship of the moon god of Baal of old, i.e., ultimately, Satan.

  3. These two guys are really ignorant. They don't know what they are saying. Tsk tsk tsk. Guys read even the concocted history written by the orientalist or western authors.
