Saturday, June 30, 2012

If Assad Falls; Palestinian resistance will end…

If Assad Falls; Palestinian resistance will end…

The Zionist’s formula has been very simple and straightforward from the beginning: keep talking peace even if takes forever while doing business as usual; keep building settlements and whenever the Palestinian Authority refuses to talk peace…blast them in the media as anti-peace advocates. Eventually regardless of how long it takes; All of Palestine (whatever is left of it) will be settled by Jews.

The fall of Assad is only a matter of time but it will be a very expensive triumph for his enemies. Assad will not fall lying down. If Assad falls; the Hamas refuge will likewise fall. It is the beginning of the end of Hamas. It is the end of the Palestinian resistance. Anti-Assad forces have started kidnapping/killing pro-Hamas Palestinians in Syria. These anti-Assad forces most probably made a Faustian deal with the demons of the west (Israel/USA) for support without of which; it can never hope to beat the Assad forces.  

Make life so miserably unbearable to the Palestinians that the younger generations except for few that will likewise fade into oblivion will find it mad to live in the occupied territories. Palestinian parents like any other will want their children to have a bright future. They want their children to study in places like Egypt, Jordan, Sudan, Canada, USA, Europe and lot of other places where they found refuge. Palestinians born and brought up in these places will grow up disconnected from where their parents came from and in another sixty years; Palestine will have vanished from history books among those who remained in Israel as Israeli Arabs. The word “Palestine” is a taboo in Israel the mention of which is punishable by law meaning even the word Palestine will be alien to its future generations. Palestine among the Arabs in the Middle East will be reduced to being a mere footnote to Arab history.

Time obviously is on the side of Zion. If it took Jews a thousand years to live scattered all over the planet in “Diaspora”; a thousand years of consolidation will be less laborious. Whether a “Palestinian Diaspora” now in existence will do a miracle of coming back the same way the Jews did remains to be seen but hey; why not?

Palestinians, Denied Statehood, Increasingly ‘Question the Point of the P.A.

By Philip Weiss



Nablus’s commercial regeneration cannot cure a gnawing national malaise. “There is no political horizon,” say disgruntled Palestinians. They increasingly question the point of the PA. It has failed to usher in a Palestinian state, and appears powerless to prevent Israeli military incursions or the relentless expansion of Jewish settlements on the West Bank. “All the windows are closed, and the political elite has no keys to open them,” says Raid Nairat, an academic. The West Bank’s 30,000 security forces seem unkeen on a recent quest for reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas that would force them to share power. Their recent round-up of 150 Hamas men helped dampen hopes of a deal....

Few Palestinians call for a renewal of violence. But such talk is again in the air. In some West Bank towns Hizb ut-Tahrir, an extreme Islamist group, has been making headway. “A Muslim army should defend Muslims, not Jews,” says an angry Islamist, denouncing the PA’s security co-ordination with Jewish kuffar (unbelievers).

 Philip Weiss is Founder and Co-Editor of

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1 comment:

  1. I wish things could be different. Inter-Arab politics is a riddle that is very hard to comprehend. One moment; they are kissing each other’s and in another moment; they are killing one another.

    The Palestinian Authority (Al Fatah) is the only group the Arabs and the rest of the world recognizes as representative of the Palestinian people which is ironic because the legally elected government was Hamas. This is one glaring example of how the Arabs have turned themselves into Israel puppets meaning what Israel wants; Israel gets heaven and hell notwithstanding. Even when it was discovered that Yasser Arafat was poisoned meaning he was assassinated by the MOSSAD; I have not heard any Arab leader protest or demand investigation into the assassination in fact I remembered well how Bush was ecstatic with the news. “With Arafat dead,” Bush said, “peace could be at hand.” The plan was to install a puppet leadership that will sign peace with Israel on Israel’s terms of course. An election was quickly held to give Israel/USA’s plan a democratic face. They didn’t foresee a Hamas win anyway; we all know what happened next.

    If Assad falls; the Hamas leadership will be deprived of haven. The anti-Assad forces if and when they take over will be beholden to USA/KSA/Qatar/Turkey. The Hamas leadership in self exile will be forced to make peace with the Palestinian Authority on dictated terms or be kicked out of Syria or worst; handed to Israel.

    The Palestinian Authority is not a resistance movement although ‘Al Fatah’ was under Arafat. P.A. is a puppet government dependent upon Israel very much likes the ARMM (under Nur Misuari) dependent upon the national government putting an end effectively to the MNLF as a resistance movement.
