Wednesday, May 23, 2012

CORONA IS A WINNER: take the money and run...

I am inclined to believe that Corona did not have any plan to be cross examined. He used the impeachment court as a platform to voice his side of the conflict leaving his defense ignorant of his own strategic endgame. He knew that he could no longer stay in the Supreme Court guilty or not with so much blood spilled theoretically between him and the president. Since the impeachment is a political exercise; he decided to bring his case to the people in fact his 3 hours opening statement was not addressed to the court; it was addressed to the people and he will not give his detractors the luxury of dismantling his case. Since the impeachment court need not prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt to convict him; he likewise created enough doubt as to his guilt or non-guilt that will forever leave the people divided and in the end; guilty or not: Corona is a winner. TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN :-)

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