Thursday, May 31, 2012


Why is it wrong for dictators to send government agents to kill opponents operating in other countries but not for USA’s robot assassins that inflict damage not only to its perceived enemies but every innocent bystander that happens to be nearby? Has Judaism so corrupted America’s blood that they have started to look upon themselves (like Jews) as sinless exceptionally chosen people while everyone else are gentiles that are no better than dogs and filth whose deaths are nothing more than worthless collateral damage? 

Obama OKs kill lists used in drone strikes

US President Barack Obama personally approves the names put on the "kill lists" used in the targeted killing operations carried out by American assassination drones,The New York Times reports.

According to the report published by the paper on Tuesday, every week or so, more than 100 members of the country’s national security team gather via secure video teleconference run by the Pentagon and go over the biographies of suspects in Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan, and "nominate" those who should be targeted in the attacks. 

Obama is then provided with the identities of those put on the kill list and signs off on every strike in Yemen and Somalia as well as the risky strikes in Pakistan and decides when to attack a terror suspect. 

A US citizen, Anwar al-Awlaqi was killed in Yemen in an assassination drone attack approved by Obama last year. Critics have said that it set a worrying precedent that the president could single-handedly decide to be "judge, jury, and executioner" over an American. 

In Pakistan, Washington claims that its airstrikes target militants crossing the border with Afghanistan, but local sources say civilians have been the main victims of the attacks. 

The US military has also used the drones in Afghanistan, Libya, and Iraq. 

On Sunday, US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta defended the use of the drones as the "most precise weapon we have" in the campaign against al-Qaeda. At least 21 people were killed in US drone attacks across the world in less than 24 hours following his remarks. 

Full article:

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