Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Truth behind 9/11 will annihilate Israel: (I doubt it)

I doubt if 9/11 truth will annihilate Israel. It is a nation that thrives on lies and half-truths. It controls the media that shapes our perception of what is right and wrong; truths, half-truths and lies. The Americans according to this article will erase Zionism from the planet if truth be known of 9/11 which I found rather hyper-charge. The American people know the truth but they are a people living in a state of denial not only about 9/11 but about a lot of other things. Glaring example is Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty.

Did USA even say sorry to the people of Iraq when no WMD was found? The answer is ‘no’ because they are in a state of denial that the Iraq war was wrong despite the absence of WMD. Like Israel; USA is a nation who believes in their divine right to exceptionalism. Unlike Israel though; they don’t believe to be a chosen people of God rather they believe in self-righteousness. Like Israel; they believe they cannot be wrong which is rather…LAUGHABLE but poses a real danger to the rest of us who are neither Israelis nor Americans.

Truth behind 9/11 will annihilate Israel: 

A US Marine Corps veteran and author asserts that Israel masterminded the 9/11 attacks, saying if Americans were informed of this, they would exterminate the Zionist regime.

“I have had long conversations over the past two weeks with contacts at the Army War College, at the Headquarters Marine Corps, and I have made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100 percent certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation. Period,” Alan Sabrosky, writer and consultant specializing in national and international security affairs, said in a clip appearing on the public video-sharing website You Tube. 

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