Sunday, April 1, 2012

SPIRITS: the eager communicators…

SPIRIT OF THE GLASS: eager communicators…


I was in the High School when the Ouija board became the fad. It was known more popularly as “The Spirit of the Glass.” I became so adept at it, I can make the spirit move the glass with only two persons touching the edges of the turned upside down glass. Every peer group at the Mindanao State University (MSU) Preparatory High School was doing it. Another group claimed that the glass moved even after they have returned the glass to its normal upright position and thanked the spirit for its cooperation. Scared, they scampered away.

We always asked the spirit childish questions like does she love me too? Will I graduate and so on? I got so tired of the same questions asked over and over, I decided to ask more personal questions concerning the spirit no one at the moment ever thought of. To my amazement, the spirit was willing to give away information.

Q. If I call the name of someone who is dead, does he really enter the glass?
A. No.
Q. Who does?
A. There are many of us waiting. We race to the glass. We are very eager to communicate.
Q. Can you really tell the future?
A. No. Your guess is as good as mine.
Q. Can you tell why you died or how you died?
A. Yes.
Q. Can spirits see each other’s?
A. No. Not in the way the living sees with their eyes. It can be very lonely sometimes.

I wished, I had prepared more questions but it was a thought that came at the spur of the moment. To convince my roommates in college, I completely covered the eyes of the 3 persons touching the glass. I discovered in the process that someone in the group not necessarily one of those touching the glass can ask questions and receive a reply. Furthermore, a person can ask the question in his/her mind without the others hearing what is being asked and get an answer just the same. The spirit amazingly can read a person’s mind. It is incredible but true. Skeptics however will always find a reason not to believe.

The year was 1976. I was in Laguna with my group doing rural medicine for a two weeks period. Without better things to do at night, we spent it talking to the spirits via the Ouija Board. Some of us volunteered to be a medium but we failed. I realize now that to be a medium is a gift. Everything we did was for the gigs. At one time, we were writing down what the spirit was saying on the board. This guy must be joking, we all thought. None of the letters we noted down made sense. One of our female classmates who were busy in the kitchen happened to drop by. Remember, we were doing it for the fun.

“Oh my God,” she exclaimed.

“What!” we all turned to her. The spirit was speaking in Ilocano, a dialect in the North of the Philippines. The spirit claimed, he was one of 4 or 6, I cannot remember now after so many years that assassinated a prominent political figure in the North while inside the church. To erase their tracks, they were also killed after the assassination.
During one of my turns, I contacted a dead American policeman who claimed to have died in a shootout. He wanted me to write to his family, a wife and two daughters but I declined.

The last time I ever tried the Ouija Board was in the mid 90’s in Saudi Arabia. An Egyptian Colleague and friend insisted that I show him. The ER was quiet. It was hours after midnight. He read and heard about the Ouija Board but never witnessed it. He was very persistent. We tried it for two consecutive nights with some Filipino friends but we failed. Either I lost the touch or because…this is Saudi Arabia :-)


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