Monday, April 9, 2012

The ‘Ranao Waves’ (1980): Sarimanok in Flight


                The Sarimanok has become the symbol of the Maranao people. Very recently; it gained an international popularity when it was made the symbol of the Miss Universe Beauty Pageant. When literally translated, it simply means an artificial cock. Muslim scholars cannot even agree on the real symbolism of the Sarimanok. Some believe it to be a symbol of power, prestige and wealth so that poor people are not expected to use it. Others believe it to have been used in rituals during the good olden days. Whatever they believe it to be, I and others have different interpretation. Sarimanok is a work of art and like other arts (such as literature, fine arts, music, poems, etc.) reflects not only the ingenuity of the people who made it but also their mental outlook and to some extent; the prevailing conditions at the time. Viewing it from this angle; we see in the Sarimanok contentment, idle nature detached from realities and resignation. Then we ask; could this be the same with people it represents? If yes, then it could rightly be the symbol of the Maranao people. The RANAO COUNCIL therefore since it dedicates itself to the well-being of the Maranao people has to make Sarimanok its symbol but a unique one. Not the colorful, resigned and idle cock but an active and aggressive one. Alone, it symbolizes the ideals of the Ranao Council: to transform a fatalistic, resigned and contented people into an active and progressive one. For simplicity, the Sarimanok is bereft of its motif design (okir) but is gracefully designed.

                The Americans, Israelis and Germans are proud of their Eagle and they have the reasons to. Eagles are fierce birds which feed on weaker birds and smaller animals. Could it also be this reason why these groups of people gained the reputation of being the bloodiest aggressive conquerors of our age? The Sarimanok is different. On air; it is very graceful and never fierce but cornered in an enclosed cockfight arena, it fights to the death.

                The Sarimanok is a mythical fowl and may appear in different hue. Its color, therefore does not affect its essential being. Blue for the organization suits best our Sarimanok for it symbolizes peace which is the prime goal of the Ranao Council. It will also make our Sarimanok appear like a love ‘blue’ bird which has often been made symbol for lovers.

It is a bearer of love and peace.

                The other symbols in the organization’s seal have been explained in the other insignias of the RANAO COUNCIL. They carry the same symbolism…

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